Theme by Seclairty31
i made Another Yoko theme because a lot of people liked the old one and some people wanted more. I just finished my first animated window theme as well but i still have to dot some i’s and cross some t’s so it may or may not be available at the same time as this theme.
Enjoy!! ( Icons are by Andape and 1-SICK-MONKEY )
Download Here
Enjoy!! ( Icons are by Andape and 1-SICK-MONKEY )
Download Here
jojojo excellent thanks!!!
very cool but a bit slower would good
amazing theme but may i make a request for one of black rock shooter much would be appriciated
@ angle7000 usually around 600 -700 pixels for the x value, or width
What resolution did you use, to last so long?
thanks, excellent theme
Thanks ( : A couple of users from this site made tutorials and one is in the forums on this site on how to make a theme like this. Basically you find a clip extract the frames and edit them however you’d like. There are more steps but basically you have to run a command with your frames that creates a animation file, Then you can ask the ps3 to recognize the animation by a small modification to the script of the theme.
I was wondering how you managed to make this theme. Is it frame-by-frame like a .gif file? or did you manage to embed a video file to the ps3 themes? What program did you use…? and Lastly great theme I’m using it right now
@MortalJairo5, This is as about as high as the resolution can get for these types of themes ( lots of frames )
Theme is amazing but if it possible can u make it HD plz plz plz
I was excited to see when you uploaded the fixed version of the first Yoko theme for 4.0 fw and I was excited to see you’ve made a new Yoko theme. Awesome work and thanks for the themes!
Thanks for the theme :]
Oooohh, the monkeys!!! I’m a stupid too, now! Lol!
could you make a soul eater Maka theme? plzz
Nice theme keep up good work
Nicely animated. Wish there was more stuff she did before it started looping, but I know it must be hard work.
great job homie
@ lisa, Oh lol, yeah beware of the monkeys!!
lol the monkey at the end of your vids…lol. you will be in charge one day lol.
@OPTIMUS, Oh, I’m so stupid -_- that makes perfect sense, thanks mate ( :
Uhm… I think that maybe it’s because of how you created the video preview: it somehow reminds of those TV spots used to promote candidates for president, or something like that…

But I have to say I like it: I find it very nice and original
And, by the way… nice theme, mate!
@Lisa; wait, laugh at what, I’m conf00sed?? 0_o
is it because i’m giving the people what they want lol
lol im going to laugh anyway! maybe you will be president one day lol. but nice theme!