Sony's browser does suck, but I also thinking maybe you could do a little something about the ads on your site? I'm not saying go without ads. You have to have ads I understand. But maybe get some static ones? Also I don't know if this is because of the ads or not, but I haven't been able to use the search function on this site on the PS3 for awhile now. It won't work at all.

PS3 Themes said:
You should complain to Sony that they have the worlds worst browser and that they need to update it.
You do realize this is a site that's supposed to be for PS3 themes right? Saying someone should complain to Sony is beyond stupid. If a site is claiming that you can download themes straight from your PS3 browser the least it can do is be compatible with said browser.
Forum Contributor

My settings? Not quite. For over two years or however long I've been coming to this site I've been able to search fine on the PS3. About a month or two ago when I tried to search for something it acted like it was going to for a split second and then not do anything.
Now it won't even do that when I click the search button. I haven't messed with my settings lately at all. I haven't tried to clear any cookies or history. There's a long shot that might work.
If we are five years in and Sony still hasn't updated their browser they are aren't going to. The best we can hope for is where current browsers are now for the PS4. Which by then they will be outdated by a few years as well.
I don't think the site needs a massive updating or anything like. The only thing that needs tweaking is the ads if that's possible. The last you could do is make static banner ads that don't animate and slow theme downloads down on the PS3.. This site is pretty much the premiere site for themes. As a long time user I'm just throwing out a little advice.
Forum Admin
I too would prefer static banners but this is 2011 and those almost doesn't exist anymore. It's impossible to use a ad network and only run static banners because simply there isn't enough inventory of them and they pay way less.
So it's either use them, or close the site down. Simple choice in my eyes.

admin stop trying to be a smart azz and just listen to the people cause pretty much everything that neeves said is truth plus he's just trying to give you some advice so don't get mad at the truth, i also think that rattus is right about the site claiming to be functional from the ps3 but is really not cause is always messing up ,so dude at least fix the search function or something

I fired up my PS3 Tuesday, open the browser, came here.. located a theme I'd like to try (was Cloud Animated by Faxtron) and clicked it.... it downloaded and I had no troubles at all
There was a few banners/adverts, one massive one under the download link and one on the right hand side of the screen.
Neither got in the way and the theme downloaded fine
Not sure what the problem is here?
Forum Admin
Coqui Ninja said:
admin stop trying to be a smart azz and just listen to the people cause pretty much everything that neeves said is truth plus he's just trying to give you some advice so don't get mad at the truth, i also think that rattus is right about the site claiming to be functional from the ps3 but is really not cause is always messing up ,so dude at least fix the search function or something
I'm not trying to be a smartass, I'm simply stating the facts.
Forum Contributor

RADZ said:
Maybe slow internet speed then i only have 8mb download speed and mine is fine as for that member coming here for 3 years mmmmmmmmm you have 3 posts LOL.
That's what I'm thinking...
As I said in an earlier post, I had no issues at all using the PS3 to download a theme and no issues using Firefox / Chrome and had a look with Internet Explorer.. ALL worked fine.
I think anyone having issues really should, check his/her settings.. I know. I know!
"My settings are fine"
Well, what else could it be? I have seen many on here say they downloaded themes fine and after a test... mine was fine also!

Found a work around for the ads killing the site on the PS3. Just turn off Javascript. That turns off the ads. Boo-yah. lol Of course anyone who is anyone uses Firefox or Chrome and adblock plus on the PC. Turning off Javascript though still doesn't fix the broken search system. Still can't search for anything.

its not just this site that sucks ass as far as browsing on ps3 tho ..... i cant sign into yahoo from ps3 half the websites that i usually go to wont allow me to sign in at all the search thing sucks ass whn ur only wanting picture searches or videos i mean like was previously posted the sonys web browser just plain sucks so the site problem aint got crap to do with it. trust me u try checking ur email from ps3 cuz u dont have a computer atm go on try it and while ur at it try visiting other places too half of them wont work right if at all
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