PS3 Themes said:
You mean the preview image each theme has right? So it's not the preview videos you're talking about.
yep can't see any preview images.. you can see where the placeholders are but then they disappear and thats it.. However when someone posts like a video preview from youtube I can see that on here.
Forum Admin
Ok well this sounds very strange. We haven't made any changes at all on the site for a long time so I'm sure it's not any error from our side. Also I haven't heard from anyone else who has this issue and I'm sure I would since we have quite a lot of visitors.
So I think there must be something on your end that's causing this.

I think I figured it out.. however I don't know if you can do anything..
I think it has something to do with my ISP Optimum online.. I'm on a computer now on Fios and I can see everything fine..
It's sad because this is about the only good site with themes.. Don't know what I can do since it's not on my end.

jaydee1003 said:
I have optimum online and it works perfectly on my computers.. maybe its specifically your computer or the browser you might be using..
I'm using firefox 10.. not sure.. I mean these computers are 16 miles apart and I can't see anything. Only thing is I haven't tried chrome but I mean I used this site before on firefox so i can't tell what's wrong here.