All these other theme sites dead. Bestofps3themes.com i think has died. F-rot was on that site. Thats just sad, Well its good to know this site lives on. I hope this site goes on forever. Other sites have died That might be a good thing becase it benifits this site, but still. Other sites have over 3,000 themes & it just dies. There were booming just like this one. I think it sad when i see that. They had comments, and all that stuff.
Wait a mintue, or are we just that good, that we took them outa bisness? Idk but theme creators like f-rot & some other guys joined this site.
"WE ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!" Well not me yet, but you other guys are the best in the world !
But i just wanted to express that. I feel better if i talk about things instead of keeping to my self.
For some reason,the only PS3 Themes site that I ever joined is this one.
That is something on its own. Plus, I have been downloading themes for 3 years now and making themes for about 1 year now. So, that also means something.
The quality of theme makers in this site is astonishing. Needless to say, I am curious what will be possible to do on PS4.