I've added the option to Like/Dislike themes.
I would like to hear what you think about it, do you want the option to dislike a theme or should there only be a like button?
Also I'd like to say that anyone who abuses the system and excessively dislikes themes (If we choose the keep the option) will get their IP permabanned automagically.
Forum Contributor

Uh! Very nice idea, I really like it... well done, my friend!
I personally think both buttons should remain: this way, all users can freely express their opinion on the themes.
As for the indiscriminate use of the Dislike button... well, I don't know if it's possible, but I think maybe there should be some system that prevents from abusing this option (also valid for the Like button, of course) so that a theme can be "voted" only once per user (I don't know, maybe finding a way to couple the vote to the user's IP, or something like that... )
Forum Contributor
1st off i just want to say... THANK YOU! I've asked and waited for a long time lol. but like radz said it would be better if you limit every person to 1 vote so no one can abuse it. Like every IP gets only 1 vote. And i think its better to leave both like/dislike options for everyone to express their opinions instead of just having the people that like it vote.
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