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Hey Admin! Great news, huh?
Well, considering that PS3 is still alive (and will be alive for at least another couple years) and given that we all keep on supporting it... I was thinking: Couldn't it simply be something like "ps3&4-themes"?
Then, once PS3 will not be supported anymore, and considering that all the domains ending with "themes" have already been used, maybe the site's name could turn into "ps4-theming" or something like that (or maybe even a pun like "ps4-themers")...
Forum Admin
Hey Admin! Great news, huh?![]()
Definitely! But we should keep in mind that just because they mention themes are coming it doesn't automatically mean user customizable themes. But of course we hope for the best!
Also they retracted their statement about themes coming in firmware update 2.0 and said it was a mistake. But that just means they are still working on it and if everything goes according to plan it'll be in the 2.0 update, if not it'll come at a later update.
Forum Contributor

@ADMIN - Well, if I remember correctly, when it all started years ago, they never mentioned "customizable themes": yet, after a while, Sony released the official tools, so... I'm veeery confident
As for their statement: yep, I heard!
But probably this could also mean that, as I was saying to Ultra, maybe they're working to make even the old themes compatible with PS4... who knows?
Anyway, the important is they talked about "themes on PS4", and to me that means this site will still exist for a long time, in a way or another
By the way... What about the possible new names for the site I mentioned? LOL!
Forum Admin
By the way... What about the possible new names for the site I mentioned? LOL!
Thanks for the suggestions!
We already own these domain names since a good while back:
So any of those are ready to be used unless we find a better one.
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Forum Admin
I've thought about that but I think in the end it will not work out well. Since this site still have so many visitors, good rankings in search engines and a huge amount of inbound links it would not be smart to move it to another domain. Also I would like to start fresh with the new site and not run it on the same code this site runs on since it's very outdated by now.
Forum Contributor

@ADMIN - Hmm... I meant:
=> ps4-theming (in the sense of "theming scene")
=> ps4themers (as a pun to point out that this is a "PlayStation site For Themers")
Anyway, as Ultra said, "ps4-themes.net" or "ps4-themes.org" sound good.
But I have to say I also like Faxtron's idea: grouping different sections related to each console would be nice...
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