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OK, bear with me here.
Let's say I want to create transparency in the MOVIE part of an Animated Window theme, as well as the Border. Can that be done?
I have a flag that I have set to do this wave animation, but I want the little flag movie to have a transparent background when I make it a .dds file.
Is this possible?
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Faxtron said
Man can you give more details of what you want to achieve ? I don't understand what you want to achieve. Please give to us more info. of what you need to achieve. As I know you want to create a transparency inside the animated window is that correct ?
Yes, you basically nailed it. I have an animated flag that I want to wave inside the window box, but the background of the window needs to be see-through or the flag would have a white or black background and wouldn't work with my border.dds. I figured it out, though.
I just made it "full screen" instead of "window". It looks OK, I guess. It's a photo background and the flag does not look real, so I put a filter over everything to try and get it to blend better.
Forum Contributor

Ok to create an alpha channel on the border to make a hole and the video show through it do this :
First open the image and select the part of the image you want the video show through with the "magic wand tool". This tool is used with simples alpha channels creations, for squares that have inrregular shapes you need a differen trick. Asuming you want to create a simple square alpha channel the thing you have to do is once are selected press the "create new channel" buttom in the right corner. You will see that in the "channels" section appear a new image called : "Alpha 1" that is the alpha channel created. Remember all the white on the image will be seen in the XMB and the black part will be transparent in the XMB and that's is the reason the video will show through that square. Ok; once you create the alpha channel for your image its time to save it using this settings :
If you have this error :
"Too many channels to export (5)".
The only thing you have to do is move to "layers" is in the left of the "channels" and select the backgrownd there with right click and from there select "Flatten Image" and save the image with the right settings again. If it's locked… In "layers" right click again and duplicate the "background" then delete the old locked. Now you can "flatten" the image and save with the right settings.
Anyway if you have problems creating that alpha channel you can follow this thread created by DemiGod7 that we talk about this.
If you have other questions do not hesitate to ask
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F-Rott said
I really appreciate the reply, Faxtron! I've been having a blast making Animated Themes! I wish I would have started earlier. The PS4 is right around the corner. Hopefully, we'll all be able to make PS4 themes as well!
You're welcome. I hope like you that this feature will be able in the PS4 as well, but I think that if is possible will be with new tools and new ways to do it. As RADZ says the PS4 will be totally different in architecture. I think that if Sony wants to add this he could only with new ways to do it in a new XMB, Dashboard or wathever he call the new user interface. As I know the new PS4 interfase looks like the interfase of the PS store.
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@F-Rott, uLtRaMa6nEt1c & Faxtron:
Well, I truly hope the very same thing as you, guys, but... actually, I really think it will not be possible to keep making themes on PS4: as we all know, Sony abandoned all its proprietary technologies to make the new console more approachable and facilitate developers, which basicly means that we'll have a computer "disguised" as console.
Sure, maybe it'll be possible to customize the interface somehow, but I honestly don't think we'll have the chance to keep doing what we have done on PS3 so far.
If you look at PSP and PS Vita, it happened the same thing after all: while on PSP it was possible to create themes (just like on PS3) the most you can do on PS Vita is to change backgrounds...
Anyway, all this is secondary to me because actually there's one important thing I'm wondering these days: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THIS SITE?
I mean... sure, even when PS4 will come out, PS3 will be supported for a while yet (maybe 1 or 2 years, I guess) considering that nearly all the new games announced are developed for both consoles, but... what will happen next?
Well, I know that all good things always come to an end, but it's really sad for me thinking that maybe we'll have to say goodbye to this site... so, guys, I would be very happy if there was a "PS4 dedicated section", when the time comes (@Admin... Do you hear me? Lol!
): a PS4 section would keep this great site alive and would allow us continuing to keep in touch (and maybe to create something, if there will ever be the chance to do it)
Forum Contributor
@F-Rott, uLtRaMa6nEt1c & Faxtron:
Well, I truly hope the very same thing as you, guys, but... actually, I really think it will not be possible to keep making themes on PS4: as we all know, Sony abandoned all its proprietary technologies to make the new console more approachable and facilitate developers, which basicly means that we'll have a computer "disguised" as console.
Sure, maybe it'll be possible to customize the interface somehow, but I honestly don't think we'll have the chance to keep doing what we have done on PS3 so far.
If you look at PSP and PS Vita, it happened the same thing after all: while on PSP it was possible to create themes (just like on PS3) the most you can do on PS Vita is to change backgrounds...Anyway, all this is secondary to me because actually there's one important thing I'm wondering these days: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THIS SITE?
I mean... sure, even when PS4 will come out, PS3 will be supported for a while yet (maybe 1 or 2 years, I guess) considering that nearly all the new games announced are developed for both consoles, but... what will happen next?
Well, I know that all good things always come to an end, but it's really sad for me thinking that maybe we'll have to say goodbye to this site...so, guys, I would be very happy if there was a "PS4 dedicated section", when the time comes (@Admin... Do you hear me? Lol!
): a PS4 section would keep this great site alive and would allow us continuing to keep in touch (and maybe to create something, if there will ever be the chance to do it)
Im sure there will be a way to create themes on ps4, it will just take time to figure out unless sony surprise us and add a feature to customise themes. You must remember ps4 will start from £400 so there wil be millions who cant afford this price so ps3 will never die same goes for this site. As you said the new console will be more pc related which means there is much easier ways to get inside the os .
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