I'm making my first theme with the builder on the site but I can't find an option to add an icon to Minis. I managed to get the theme fully built and running but that one icon is missing.
Is there any way to add an icon for it? Or is it already in the builder and I just can't find it?
Any help is appreciated.

First off which theme builder are you using? There are several, the original, slide show light, and dynamic.
Secondly which icon are you missing, there are a ton of them needed for the theme. The theme should not process if a icon is missing, some are native to the first theme maker and even slide show lite has icons with it by default. That is unless you somehow managed to delete one of icons by accident.

Thank you for your reply.
I am using whatever theme program this site offered. I downloaded the program at 2.5, I believe, and installed both 3.0 and 4.0 beta. I'm not aware of many programs since I've only had my ps3 for less than four days and this is the first time I've tried making a theme.
In the program I'm having troubles finding the spot to input an icon for the minis saved data folder. Everything transfered nicely into a theme when I clicked build. It installed just fine on the ps3 and I even got all 4 or 5 audio clips I attached to play. It's just the minis saved data folder that remains the generic, original Sony icon.
My goal is to make a dynamic theme at some point, but this is just a standard one with the sounds, icons and a single static wallpaper changing from the default Sony ones.

As far as I know of you can't change them, at least NOT using the Basic PS3 Theme Builder.
From you discrption that's what I think your using. But there are others on this site as you said Dynamic, some different slide shows as well, so when you say "whatever theme program this site offered" .....well this site offers a LOT of theme making programs....
But again you can't remove what is native to PS3, not using the "BASIC PS3 theme builder"
I'm not sure about some of the advanced theme maker programs. I do know that using Ultra Slide Show Lite still has the special icons that are on the Playstation 3. If you check my themes you will see them (Special PS3 icons) on them.
Make sure you installed the Beta files to the right place...
It is under Main Menu Icons "GAMES" Sub-Menu Icons "MINIS SAVEDATA" -PS3 Theme Builder-
check this : http://www.ps3-themes.com/foru.....e-template

Sonic1366 said
I can't find an option to add an icon to Minis.
Is there any way to add an icon for it?
Entry for Minis/PSP Saved Data is
icon id="icon_savedata_minis" src="icon_savedata_minis.png"
in yourtheme.xml
You can add this line:
ChildIconDefinition IconName="Minis/PSP Saved Data" XmlId="icon_savedata_minis" Width="128" Height="128"
in IconDefinition.xml file of PS3 Theme Builder
in "Games" section
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