Hi everyone, I've made an animated theme, and looked at the other theme types there are tutorials for, but something struck me.
Glowball, for example in his animated theme files, included themes templates that place a picture in a specific part of the screen, which is done with a texture with the spot for the image specified, that is attached to a flat square 3d model.
This got me thinking, if themes are like 3d environments, could you not add additional actors (obviously, you'd be pushing filesize limit, but nonetheless) I took a look at the specifications (from the pro slideshow dynamic theme thread), and from my brief viewing, saw nothing that mentioned the inability to have multiple actors, and thus multiple images.
Why would you do this?
Answer: It sounds cool, it is different, and who wouldn't want floating picture frames as a theme =D, or perhaps floating animated pictures
Regardless, before I jump, because I honestly have work for my classes I could be doing, I want to know if anyone has tried doing this before.
For those unfamiliar with file size limitations, you can find them in the spec docs,in the RAF-specifications file, but I will also post it here
-special attention to the bottom (the "table 7") which seems to confirm you could.
An RAF file on PlayStation®3 has the following limitations. To create a valid RAF file, the following rules
must be observed.
• The combined total size of the model, animation, and script files on main memory at runtime must
not exceed 1MB. The following files, which are created as a result of compilation, are subject to this
• Model *.edge, *.edge.invbind, *.skel (Converted from .dae. Actor only)
• Bone animation *.anim (Converted from .dae. Actor only)
• Script *.jsx (Converted from .js)
• The combined total size of texture files on RSX™ local memory at runtime must not exceed 15MB.
The following files are subject to this limit.
• Texture *.jpeg (Size after decoding to the 32bit/pixel uncompressed format)
• Texture *.gtf (Converted from .dds)
• The total size of output model data for all the Actors combined must not exceed 1.25MB in the
intermediate buffer. The size of output model data for a single Actor can be calculated from the
following formula.
• (Number of polygons * 6) + (Number of vertices * Vertex size)
• The maximum number of drawing object data that can be included in one RAF file is restricted by
the memory space within a module, as follows.
Table 7 Limit of Drawing Objects and Data in an RAF File
Object Maximum Number
Actor 128
Camera 1
Light 2 (ambient + point)
Script 1
Model 64
Material 128
Forum Contributor
I'm not sure what this is about, but it seems like you think we are using just 1 actor. When we make slideshows/animated themes each pic is an actor. It seems that certain actions like fading, randomizing, and image resolution affects the number of actors. With GlowBall's current tool set we can use anywhere from 1 to 86 actors depending on which theme style we use.

Have you taken a look at the .dae file in a 3d model viewer before? It has a camera, lighting, and a single 3d flat square.
I'm talking about having more than one of these squares, thus multiple images displaying at the same time, or perhaps even just another 3D model with a static texture, like a spinning star
As I said, it is a 3d environment, are we limited to a single 3d model in that environment?
And if I did not make it clear, I apologize, I thought it was quite clear if you read all I wrote that I was referring to the 3D environment, not just loading multiple images that can either animate or change whenever you go to the home screen.
The images are hardly actors, they're simply replacement textures for the 3D square (or so it seems)
Forum Contributor
@ LinkSlayer64
You have answered your own question fella. Because you can have more than 1 model and you can put them into the animated scene if you want man. You are right actors are not textures man but they can include textures. An actor in dynamic themes is simply given a name in the xml then that can be controlled by the js (script).
The content and basis of animated backgrounds is used in everything to do with most computer/smart phone effects (think of loading icons and start up screens) and nearly all PSN store dynamic themes also. They are just controlable .gifs if you like fella
Forum Contributor
@ LinkSlayer64
I got it mixed up because you said "if themes are like 3d environments, could you not add additional ACTORS" instead of saying multiple 3D squares/models. When we make dynamic/animated themes, like GlowBall said "an actor in dynamic themes is simply given a name in the xml then that can be controlled by the js script." That's why I misunderstood.
I'm sure there are tons of things that can be done with themes. You just have to know how to write the scripts and use the softwares, which isn't something all of us can do.
@glowball , wait so does that mean that ,we can add other elements to the bgdae. thru 3ds max or daz3d software then add the new actor to the xml and the java script !??? thats cool ... . also why cant we just replace the bg.dae simple sqaure plane with an actual animated 3d scene is that possible.. i know the bg.dae is the screen and the images are the textures , but im wondering if we could do away with the plane and perspective view and replace it with a moving camera and have it move around the 3d envronment, that would be sick
Forum Contributor

Thank you Glowball! When I finally have time, I am going to boot up Blender or just get the student edition of Max or Maya and try this out! Perhaps if word gets out this is possible, we'll see a whole new variety of interesting custom themes. or at least like 3 lol.
I cannot wait to see the limits of this system! I AM SO POITIVELY GIDDY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT. *ahem*
Also Magnetic, my apologies, I was in a terribly foul mood when I posted, and I believe I was a bit more bitey than I should have been, and the wording is rather confusing, so it was perfectly acceptable for you to misunderstand without my extra bit of clarification, so I thank you for actually asking what I meant.
Hopefully I will have a theme posted this week, I have a few small ideas, but I believe I will start with the smallest.
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