I'm new to the whole world of theme building but have read countless tutorials on the subject. However, I know experience is the best learning strategy so I'm trying to build a very basic theme for myself to start with. I have uploaded a background image and want to view what it looks like. However, when I hit test drive or build theme all I get is a message that says "an error has occurred."
Keep in mind that I am using PS3 theme builder 2.5. For some reason when I upgrade to 3.0 it will not run on my computer. I am using windows 8. I have tried upgrading with the 4.0 beta files but it did nothing to fix the issue so I am just going to use 2.5
If anyone can help me get passed this error message it would be greatly appreciated.

im no expert but , it might have issue's with win8 !! maybe you should download the dynamic theme editor and try that
or give this one a go !! http://www.freewebs.com/ps3themecreator/