GlowBall & Faxtron : I suppose you two would mainly be able to answer this question as you've both made awesom Snow themes
OK, here it was I am trying to do.
I have an image of my wife and kids having a Snowball fight outside our house, I would like that as the background image and just having Snow falling.
The trouble I am having is... (and I am not sure if I am doing this the right way)
I created some custom Snow on a transparent background 1920x1080 in Photoshop.
Using ProShow Gold I've animated it to fall from top to bottom in a wavey-Snow like efftect over the top of the image of my wife & kids and converted frame-by-frame into .jpg's
I've then taken 15 frames of this (15 frames because it's full size) and made into a Dynamic theme, with some custom icons etc.
It all works fine, the problem is, it's only 15 frames so the flakes of Snow don't even get from the top of the screen to the bottom before it rolls over again?
Any help please (from anyone) from be highly appreciated
Obviously, the image is of my wife, kids and our house so I am trying to do this on my own rather than give the image to someone to do for me.
Many thanks
Forum Contributor

Well my friend I don't recomend to make the theme by animated method. I recomend for this class of themes the old way by edition of the script (POP.jsx) used in Dynamic Themes and edited with Dynamic Theme Editor. Only I can do is help you in the process of edit the script, but let me tell you something its not an easy task. You need some hours to get the trick to do that. You know is more easy create dynamic themes by the animated method than by the method of edit the script for real. This method is an try and a fail process. You have to test all times that you edit the script before you get the animation you want. I have the anim_1 with the effect but Well bro the effect snow falling is created by Glowball and its the reason that I cant release it or create other theme using it. You can ask Glowball for that because is your work not mine. Sorry but Glowball told me that I can't make more Dynamic themes with its scripts modified. BTW I create some themes using the method of edition of script you can use those editions of anim_1 that I create on the past I dont have problems with that. But the anim_1 created by Glowball in this case for the snow effect you can't use it or if you want to use it you have to ask Glowball for that.

Forum Contributor

Went you build the theme using the anim_1 whit the dynamic theme editor that anim_1 don't incorporate the images because those files are for the instructions for the animation on the theme. The images are the DDS files that you have to edit with photoshop and then with all the files ready compile the theme with Dynamic Theme Editor. And as I said you can use my edited scripts but you can't use the edited scripts created by Glowball.
Let me explain this a little more because I think that you are still confuse. If you extract a theme with p3textractor.exe you will get the icons, the xml and the anim_1.jpg. The anim_1 that is inside of the folder with all the files after you extract the theme is not the anim_1 to use with the Dynamic theme extractor. Why ? Because this anim_1 is an anim_1 prepared for the dynamic theme editor with the files about the original theme. You need to edit not the "anim_1" from the theme you already extracted. That anim_1 have the backgrownd, other images used and the instructions of the theme animation from the original theme you extract and for that reason you can't use it. You need to use the anim_1 that is inside the folders of the Dynamic theme creator.
First you need for this : Dynamic theme editor, Rcomage,winhex, notepad ++ and photoshop with NVIDIA plugins. Inside the Dynamic Theme Editor are the anim_1 needed to edit for create the effect. You have to edit the POP.js script with Notepad++ to then put it with winhex or Hex Editor Neo to the anim_1 again inside once is modified.Once you have the anim_1 modified with the new script inside and all the other files like DDS edited with your images and all the icons you can compile the theme with Dynamic Theme Editor.
I have made a few themes with the snow effect but as I said the script used in those themes are modified by Glowball and not by me and you can't use it for that reason. I edited other scripts themes with other effects that you or others can use, but the effect of snow that appears in my themes you can''t use it is not created by me.
How I use those files pre-edited, simple I decoded the script to extract the js and then insert that .js pre-edited to the anim_1 that are inside on the folders of dynamic theme editor. You can use the pre-edited .js from the original theme but for this you have to ask Glowball if you can use it. If Glowball say no you have to edit your own script and then put it on the anim_1 that are inside the Dynamic Theme Editor like I said earlier.

Forum Contributor

No man, all are the same in matter of edition. But I recomend you for this that you use the pop.js from the prince of persia theme. You know better ask Glowball to give you the script or better the anim_1 pre-modified because is not easy to create. If Glowball let you use the script I can give you the anim_1 pre-modified and the instructions on how to create the theme. Only I can say that if you get the anim_1 pre-modified you can create the theme in a little time.
I recomend you to read all the comments on this themes :http://www.ps3-themes.com/gaming/bloodrayne-betrayal-animated.html
and the Glowball tutorial : /forum/ps3-themes/how-to-edit-pop-jsx-prince-of-persia-edge-script
Only I can say, read all, because on that messages you can get the instructions on how to get the file pre-modified and how you can put it back to the anim_1 needed to create the theme you want.
Have you ever used the Dynamic theme editor to create a theme? If not I can give you the instruction if you get the files needed.

Yep I've built a few Dynamic themes via Dynamic Theme Builder.
Only used the Prince of Persia template/theme though and nothing to advanced, just simply alterations like on the tutorial (/dynamic-theme-editor)
I've done loads of PSP themes themes, iPhones, Win 7, Chrome & Firefox's etc and a 15 image slide show theme for my PS3 so, this shouldn't be too hard
(fingers crossed)
As always though mate, massive thank you for all your help.