I am trying to build a HD theme and I am having issues with the theme builder compiling my images. When I press build, it is only adding my SD pictures. The folder it creates only has the SD images I've added after the theme is build, despite me having added HD ones (obviously). I have had success with PS3 Theme Builder in the past, but the only thing I have done differently this time, is that it seems I have reached the Background Set limit (at 16 Background Sets) - I dont have any custom sounds or icons, just backgrouds. So, any advice would be appreciated.
NOTE: currently using PS3 Theme Builder Beta Version 4.0
Forum Contributor

Uhm... that's weird...
Did you already try to decrease the amount of backgrounds (maybe 14 instead of 16)?
ALSO: Are you sure the file size of each HD background is less than 1MB???
That's because, for some obscure reason, PS3 cannot display backgrounds bigger than 1MB in a theme.
The point is that, when building a theme, you can put even backgrounds of 2 or 3MB, but the program will never tell you they're not allowed... and it happens that only the SD backgrounds are displayed.
So, I suggest you to check the file size of all the HD backgrounds you put in your theme
Forum Contributor
Also, check your JPG settings. I use PhotoShop, so I just:
1.) CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S (Save for Web and Devices)
2.) On the right side, there will be a drop-down box called "Presets". I pick "JPEG High" from the drop-down list.
3.) Make sure the "Progressive" check box ISN'T checked.
4.) Look in the lower left corner. It will tell you the final size of your picture when it's done.
That's basically the only things you have to do when making HD walls. No Progressive, under 1MB. Works every time.

First of all, thanks to both of you for replying,
Mr. Rott, thanks for bringing it up the JPEG format thing it was good advice. I have run into that issue before.
Optimus, The 'over 1 mb' thing was an issue so thanks for bringing that to my attention.
However, ive finally figured out what went wrong, i accidently had named both the simple and HD pics with the same name, but in seperate folders, so one can only assume that while it was compiling or even being added as a background set, the files were being over-written in the folder it was all compiling too.
Just turns out i hadnt made that mistake in any of the other themes ive made.
Perhaps Ill post some up soon, cheers for all your advice.
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