HI there, thanks for stopping by!
So, I am trying to make my first animated theme using that little window, but unfortunately I didn't get too far.
I am following GlowBall's tutorial step by step and I am at the point where you go to "File-> Save As->" and then proceed to save as .dds after you have finished recording. The problem is, I cannot find that option, to save as .dds
I have downloaded the plugin and I am using Photoshop CS4. What am I missing?
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Try the the plugin in this folder
I think there's other stuff in there - disregard them.
Not to insult your intelligence, but don't install this while Photoshop is open. You may need to restart your computer afterwards.
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Yet another problem came up.
I have done everything needed and when I test my theme on PS3.....there is no video footage. Everything is there, the border the background, the icons....except the video. I did everything step by step, reading the guide and following the video. What am I missing? Has something changed?
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I can't remember how to add an alpha channel. Google can help with that though.
When you open your pics in Photoshop you will add the alpha channel to the pics that the video will show through. After editing the alpha channel you have to flatten the layer so it can be saved. Right click the layer for that option. When saving to DDS i think you pick DXT5. It's the setting with RGBA. I can't remember exactly, but it includes the alpha channel in the DDS file.

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DemiGod7 said
Ok, I created a new channel. It's called Alpha 1 and it has put a red tint above my pictures.
Anyhow, when I try to save as Layer 1.dds after I press "Record", it says "Too many channels to export (5)".
Any ideas?
Well my friend let see if I can help you a little with this
To create the border background you need as said ultra to create an alpha channel on it.
First open the image and select the part of the image you want the video show through with the "magic wand tool" . This tool is used with simples alpha channels creations, for squares that have inrregular shapes you need a differen trick. Asuming you want to create a simple square alpha channel the thing you have to do is once are selected press the "create new channel" buttom in the right corner. You will see that in the "channels" section appear a new image called : "Alpha 1" that is the alpha channel created. Remember all the white on the image will be seen in the XMB and the black part will be transparent in the XMB and that's is the reason the video show through that square. Ok; once you create the alpha channel for your image its time to save it using this settings :
If you have this error :
"Too many channels to export (5)".
The only thing you have to do is move to "layers" is in the left of the "channels" and select the backgrownd there with right click and from there select "Flatten Image" and save the image with the right settings again.
If it's locked... In "layers" right click again and duplicate the "background" then delete the old locked. Now you can "flatten" the image and save with the right settings.
Ok, basically what happened is, the whole wallpaper is black, I can see the video footage in the window, but above the window I can see the part of the wallpaper that was supposed to be behind the video. Part of the wallpaper is above the video while everything around the video is black. Hmm, I messed it up somehow.....trying to figure out where.
Forum Contributor

Read my reply DemiGod7 there I explain why you don't see the backgrownd like you need. Remember in the alpha channel the white part is visible in the XMB and the black will be transparent in the XMB and that's is the reason the video show through that square.
If the alpha is totally black you only will see the video secuence. You need only the little square black and the other part white in the alpha 1.