Hello all I'm new but i've made a few dynamic/animated themes in the past without to many issues...but alas i have a problem im trying to make a animated window theme I follow the instructions and make the theme when i load it on to my ps3 my animation in the window wont play i get the 1st frame but thats it i double checked to make i had edited the js & xml files correctly & i did i even tried not using my border and just coping my background onto the border.dds file but still no luck im doing somthing wrong apparently or just not grasping the concept XD i've spent quite a few hours on this & im tired so excuse my poor grammer any help would be amazing thank all you guys so much for all you've done already and if you need any more details i'll check back tomorrow night all & thnx again
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Something is wrong with your PC, or you're doing something wrong. Honestly, if you see ads you're doing something wrong, lol. That's a nerd joke. Here you go... http://www.mediafire.com/downl.....dTools.zip

Hi all. Trying my first attempt at a Theme and I keep getting stuck at the Compiler. Every time I try to compile i get the tmp folder with the bg.dae file instead the raf file. I have windows 7 64bit with Photoshop CS6 using 14 frames to make into a full animated theme. Been digging around the forums but every time I think I found the answer I'm stuck back at square 1. My efforts thus far:
Uninstalled/reinstalled up to "4.0" 3 times.
Made sure a file wasn't missing
Checked that the xml path files were correct
Removed all "extra" spaces from the code
Tried using someone elses Theme folder for the icons
Tried another .js/.xml code
Tried a different bg.dae file
It's probably something stupid but I'm Stumped. Any advice?
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Got a raf, and the rest went smoothly. I completely deleted my compilers and downloaded them fresh, suddenly it worked. Not sure if I somehow got a older version or if the files got corrupted somehow. Now that I know it works I can go back and fix it up the way I had intended.
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c – I had, that's why I posted. The closest scenario to mine was fixed by removing spaces from the Directory path. However I already had the exe & animatedfull folders directly in C:
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GlowBall said
This is a tutorial on how to create a PS3 animated theme
Here is some tools and batch files to fast convert video to dds frames from this tutorial without Photoshop
Using ffmpeg and nvdxt
"ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 5 -vframes 34 png/%%02d.png"
"FOR %%f IN (png/*.png) DO (nvdxt.exe -file png/%%~nf.png -dxt1c -nomipmap -output dds/%%~nf.dds)"
Put your video in overwriting video.mp4
Run 1_get_frames.bat
and you will get 34 png frames in "png" folder
Then run 2_PNGtoDDS.bat
and this png's will be converted to dds in "dds" folder
Jump straight to "You should then get your layers in .dds format and in numerical order" in tutorial!
You can tweak 1_get_frames.bat with notepad for your needs:
"ffmpeg -ss 00:01:13 -i video.mp4 -r 12 -vframes 120 -s 640x480 png/%%03d.png"
"-ss 00:01:13" start from 1 min 13 sec of input video.mp4
"-r 12" will save every 2nd frame of 24fps video 24/2=12
"-vframes 120" will save 120 frames
"-s 640x480" will resize frame to 640x480px
"%%03d" will name files like 001 002 ... 120
When you are done with dds
Edit xml and js
Compile raf
Edit xml
Compile p3t
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