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Okay guys I have now change the help photos. I tried to have them in the tutorial without having to open the link but that didn't work so I had to get the direct links and put them into the tutorial. This was time consuming and was rushed sorry once again.
Thanks to all who show appriciation for my tutorial
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GlowBall said:
Okay guys I have now change the help photos. I tried to have them in the tutorial without having to open the link but that didn't work so I had to get the direct links and put them into the tutorial. This was time consuming and was rushed sorry once again.
Thanks to all who show appriciation for my tutorial
Thanx m8 hope i can make one soon b4 i kick the shit out of my pc lol btw did you get my pm it would help me if you have skype.
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@ Faxtron
Thanks for helping others with this. In response to your question on here and on youtube. To have the video clip in the bottom right corner you use the AnimatedWindow files. To change the position you would need 3DS Max for the best results of course you can edit/add the position in the script. It would go something like this in the script
background.position = <x, y, z>
You would have to trial and error for this though. In 3DS Max it looks like this http://s6.postimage.org/6rjpst.....nd.jpg so I would just change where the position is easyily .
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@ Commandz
Just read through the comments again and I say thanks once again for your comment. Game developing is something I want to do but it is hard to get into anyhow I would say that most companies are corporate something which I struggle with. I would probably turn in on my first day with a wooden leg, a parrot and of course an eyepatch maybe even a bottle of rum lol
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@ Faxtron
Are you sure your using the correct bg.dae?
because in the picture from the last comment the white rectangle is the bg.dae and the aqua rectangle is the border.dae. So as you can see the white is smaller and sits behind the aqua (border) there is no way it can be bigger or the same.
Is anyone else having this issue?
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Oh man Glowball, I made it. You are right I dont know why the bg.dae don't overwrite right or I use other bg.dae by mistake that was not the correct. Once I change the bg.dae to the bg.dae for animated window theme the problem gone. Thanks my friend your tutorial is exelent A+ working like a charm for me. I will be uploading new themes with this new method soon. I will be working on moving the animated window so I will let you know if I have success.
@ GlowBall
No problem I'm here to give positive feedback just like the rest of the people on this site . And yes Game Developing is hard to get into as well as time consuming at times lol but that's the part of it
. I would be the same as you lol. If you could whats the formats that you saved your dae file because I can't get it to be exactly 6.11k as well as the second window showing up( post #25) so I can re-size and move it a bit in 3DS Max. Sorry for noobish questions I tried to figure it out before asking
been at it for 24hrs and cant make it work. Thanks again

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Guys does it matter what resoloution the vid is and what format im using ytd pro for downloading vids and windows live movie maker for triming then converting back to mp4 does this sound ok. Maybe this is my problem oh and when i try doing batch thingy it says layer 1 can not be found do i name the the layer i save to my desktop layer 1 or leave it as untitled. Im just lost why im not getting this raf file i bet its something real silly im doing if there was a vid tutorial then it would help us noooobs. I know it is time consuming making video tutorials but theres nothing better than to see it acctualy being done if i ever got this to work i would gladly make one. Oh forgot to say ive noticed when i do get the automate batch thing going my border.dds changes to another picture not the original one so why is it getting overwritten.
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Faxtron said:
Upload your files folder with all the files that you have : DDS,tools, etc I will see what is the problem. Then I will upload back all the files with an explanation of the problem you have.
Will do m8 but quick question when i save layer1 to my desktop as dds what do i name it does this matter cos when i do the batch thing it says layer 1 is not found.
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