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GlowBall said:
@ Commandz
Not sure why that would happen as it doesn't on my PS3.
Does the background load after closing the PS3 web browser?
Yea I'm not sure why as well I even went down to 82 frames, still does it from time to time?. When I close the browser its fine sometimes the browser even freezes and it still comes back.
The weirdest thing is that when testing your MW3 theme it does the same, and while downloading a large file in the background from PSN (Infamous 2) it crashes the theme straight away
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magic said:
faxtron tengo un problema cuando pongo el tema en la ps3 el fondo se amplia y se pierde una parte que tengo que hacer
Sorry my friend but i have to answer you in English I hope you understand what I say. I think that you don't do nothing wrong here. The problem is the resolution on your tv. Do you have a TV that support HD resolutions 1920x1080 if not the PS3 adjust the resolution acording to your TV on this class of themes. If you use the theme in an HD TV that support HD resolutions the theme don't be appear cutted.
if you don't understand let me know and i will send you a PM in spanish

Great tutorial glowball – Thanks for sharing
I do have a couple questions for you though:
1) if the size of the animation frames for the "animated window" is 640x360, then what dimensions should the animation frames be for the "animated frame" and "fullscreen" themes?
EDIT: I see faxtron posted this earlier in the thread:
"About resolution :
Full animated themes : In 87 frames 640x480, 34 frames 1280x720 and 15 frames 1920x1080
Animated Window theme : 640x360"
2) about the ps3 resizing the themes to fit the tv resolution they are displaying on:
does that mean if my tv is 1080p then I should only make my wallpapers with a max resolution of 1080 so it fits correctly? I noticed when making wallpapers with 1920 resolution it cuts some of it off on my tv display..
Thanks in advance for the help mate
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@ Mr. Shizzy
To give you an answer to your second question is that most HDTV's have an option to "just scan" for the resolution size. If you select this option you will get the correct output size. If you do not have this option (I have 1 tv without it) you will have to edit the scene somewhat. There are 2 ways to achieve a smaller size background. The first is to edit the plane size in 3DS Max/Maya and save as a .dae. The other way is much easier so here are the steps for you to take.
1. Open up AnimatedFull.xml or which ever .xml your using with notepad++
2. Find the section for <!-- Camera -->
3. Now edit the position units of the camera to suit your tv
here is how the position units work
position="15.5, 9.5, 47"
X=horizontal position
Y=vertical position
Z=depth position
So it would be about trial and error to get it right for your tv probably start with Z position.
Hope this helps fella and thanks for the appreciation

When generating the batch, I am getting 3D could not parse this file error. During the video playback on the PS3, the 3D file is coming in and out at one point of the video.
Do I copy and paste the BG image on to the border.dds or the opposite way?
The other thing is after I create the batch and transform the jpeg to dds, the batch creates 91 dds files instead of the 87 that I select. Do I add more lines in the xml and js or do I delete the extra dds files in the folder.
I appreciate the help,
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Is it possible my raf compiler is corrupt? I have been at this for days. I keep getting a temp folder. I have tried renaming the first saved file as layer (as radz suggested) but it did not help. I tried converting each jpeg to dds one by one (without using automate). I have also manually inserted the dds files (in order). I cut the files down to 3 and edited the js and xml files accordingly but still no raf (just a temp). I have included a pic of what my temp folder includes. I tried deleting the dae bg (only keeping the dds) but then only get an empty temp folder and no raf. I have also included a pic of what my EXE folder looks like. Btw, I'm a noob. Created my first ever theme a few days back. (COD Elite Theme). Trying to move on past the "smoke".
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