Ok this is what i am trying to do. I have crated a Dynamic Bg. It has moving rain and a some lightning flashes. The problem i am having is when i speed the code up so the rain looks real. The lightning is to quick.
What i am here to ask is.
Is their any way to seperate the speed of the rain and the lightning. I want the rain to be there all the time at one speed and then have the lightning come in at a different speed. Is their a way to play 2 backgrounds at the same time. The rain bg all but the rain will be transparent.
Is this possible if so could you give me an example of the code i would need to make this work ?
Forum Contributor

That's is only possible with a dynamic theme or with an animated theme + dynamic elements inside. That is the problem on animated themes all the elements are at the same speed like in an animated gif. As you can see an animated theme is like an animated gif. I'm working in the process and soon maybe this week I will release a new info in a new tutorial. First I have to finish an example theme based on the same concept on the "part 1" to release the tutorial. BTW : Glowball will release too a new information about that soon.