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If you want transparent icons as in see through icons just lower the opacity of the icon layer. If you want icons on a transparent background you'll have to cut the image you want from the background. Make sure the image is a 'layer' and not 'background'. If it's background, right click the layer and choose to change 'background' to 'layer'. You can cut out the image you want using the pen tool, polygon lasso, magic wand, etc. I like the polygon lasso. When you trace your shape, right click it and choose 'layer via copy'. The shape you just cut will have a transparent background.
For more Photoshop help use Google. He's your friend.

to hell with google im a traitor i use bing :L: i also wanna "build" my own icons especially for this theme i just whipped up by accident but im not sure what pictures to use or how to place them ..... oh and then i need to make a preview i dont even know how to just slap icons on a background and save it like that
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