Forum Contributor

No problem, bro!
Sorry, but there are some icons that cannot be changed (like the PS Store, for example) and the icon you mentioned is one of them...
As for the full list... well, there's one made by my friend F-Rott, time ago, here in the forum: look at "Current 3.40 Firmware Icon Listing"
Anyway, you just need to know that all the icons are changable (except those related to PS Store, Life With PlayStation, PS News, etc...)
But the most important icons introduced with the latest updates are:
1-(Icon Name): Video Editor & Uploader
(Icon Xml Id): icon_video_upload
[placed under "Video"]
2-(Icon Name): Saved Data Minis
(Icon Xml Id): icon_savedata_minis
[placed under "Games"]
3-(Icon Name): Chat Room Text
(Icon Xml Id): icon_chatroom_text
[placed under "Friends"]
Hope this helps!

Ok, so going by that list you sent me to...let me just ask this.
Under the video edit (<icon id="icon_video_upload" src="VideoUpload.png" />)
Create New Video...that icon can't be changed or at least unknown xml?
and the other one...
under create new memory card / vmc
the icon for a created memory card (i think it has a number on/by it)
...that icon can't be changed or at least unknown xml as well?
Forum Contributor

Sorry, mate, but only the icons listed (plus the "Notification" icon and the cursors) can be changed: all the others you mentioned like "create new video" or those for every virtual memory card created (yes, there's a number for each card) are "internal system icons" that cannot be changed (unless Sony decides otherwise, one day...)
Also, there's a new icon that came with the last firmware update (3.60) which is used for the new "cloud storage" feature: I'm investigating, but looks like even this icon cannot be changed...
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