Hey, I've been making my first theme for the last 5 or so hours and I've done everything properly, or so I thought before I uploaded my work onto my PS3. So the problem is with two icons (everything else went smooth):
1. The Power Saving Settings icon is missing from the Theme Builder menu in the "Icons, Colors, Font" tab. Where did it go? Did I make it disappear? How do I bring it back so that I can replace it with an icon of my own? Now I've got this basic icon that looks completely out of place!
2. Another problem is the icon of the Chatroom. I've got it in place and it shows nicely in the Theme Builder window and compiles like a charm into the .p3t file. However, when uploaded onto the PS3, it doesn't show and, again, I'm left with that basic icon... How do I fix this? Below is the line from my .xml file concerning the Chatroom pic:
Everything seems to be fine, but maybe I'm missing something.
Please help! Oh, and I'm running the Theme Builder 2.5 because the 3.0 update apparently has a problem with my PC and doesn't want to be installed -.- Could this be a problem?
Thanks in advance for any answers and sorry if this is some frequently recurring question that everybody knows the answer to...
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uLtRaMa6nEt1c said
I just tested it using PS3 Theme Builder v3.0 (ppl say 4.0 gives them problems). Open your theme in the builder, open icon manager, select 'Video'. On the right side select 'Add New Icon' > Icon Name: Video Upload > Xml Id: icon_video_upload. Don't check box, press OK. Now select 'Friends'. On the right side select 'Add New Icon' > Icon Name: Chat Room Text > Xml Id: icon_chatroom_text. Don't check box, press OK (make sure your icon sizes are 128 x 128). Save & Close. In the Theme Builder go to 'Icon, Colors, Fonts' tab, select 'Video'. The word 'Video Upload' should be in the Sub-Menu Icons box. Next to that press the 'Browse' button and find your icon. Save. Now select 'Friends'. The word 'Chat Room Text' should be in the Sub-Menu Icons box. Next to that press the 'Browse' button and find your icon. Save. Continue to build your theme. Your PNG icons should be named icon_chatroom_text_1.gim & icon_video_upload_1.gim
This is from a post i made months ago. The XML ID for Power Saving Settings is: icon_powersave_setting and goes in the 'Settings' section. Your PNG file should be named: icon_powersave_setting.gim. You may also need the Savedata minis icon. XML ID: icon_savedata_minis and goes in the 'Game' section. Your PNG file should be named: icon_savedata_minis.gim.
You may have to delete the .gim part. For me it has to be there. Use the quote above to help you input the new icons. If you need more help i'll be around

Thanks for the reply.
So I've tried updating Theme Builder to 3.0, but when I try running the program it says that "It suddenly stopped working"... (I'm using Win7). I've reverted back to 2.5 which works fine. Dunno what's the case here. Maybe I'm just fated not to make themes? -.-
[edit] I didn't give up and I messed around with XML notepad a bit and finally got it to work sort of "manually". Still, the p3t compiler refused to cooperate with me so when I tweaked the XML file outside of PS3 Theme Builder, I went back in and compiled the theme using the program. And it worked. All the icons are there and I'll be uploading the theme to the site later today. Thanks for your help, really appreciate it!
Forum Contributor

uLtRaMa6nEt1c said
After you install the 3.0 update, do the 4.0 update. You can get it from the PS3 THEME BUILDER tab at the top of this page. Follow the directions carefully. That should work on Windows7 - 3.0 does not.
Can you plz rewrite the xbl codes for the Video editor uploader and save data utility(minis/psp) and the chat room icons
like this
video editor & uploader: xbl code/gdfg
chat rooms: xbl chatrom/dghd
Forum Contributor