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@ ultrama6net1c
I think you may have confused yourself man lol. As you know from animated themes the camera position settings in the .xml are 15.5, 9.5, 47 so just use those position settings in both .xml and .js (lines 20 & 21) and it will/does work with "just scan" tv setting. I did think of yourself when choosing the camera settings fella but I wanted the template to be available to everyone .
Not sure what you mean by the just fade out mate? cus I achieved this with the old slideshow script. As for the automatic changing of the anim_1.jpg/.raf instead of looping its not possible at the moment . Of course I'm still working on getting all of the pro features but with 15 HD images not 7 in a single anim_1.jpg/.raf and with 1280x720 size images you could then have like 33 images in 1 raf.
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I was talking about the text file with the stuff you copy and paste in Command Prompt (cmd.exe). Since PSS Folder is in the C: drive you don't have to worry about it. Here's some stuff that may help - Make sure you don't have a ProSlideShow folder inside the ProSlideShow folder. That happens when you unzip or unrar stuff. Also, make sure you copy/paste the first line from that text file in cmd, press enter then copy/paste next line in cmd then press enter again. Don't copy/paste both lines at the same time. Those are just some things i can see going wrong. Hopefully that helps. If not revisit the tutorial again, you may have missed something.
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I think the reason why some pics didn't convert to DDS was because they weren't the right size (1920 x 1080). Assuming your current problem happened after deciding to use 5 pics: In notepad++ open the JS file, delete lines 10 & 11 (make sure your DDS files are named 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). look for the word Math.Floor and change the 7 to 5. Open the XML file and delete the paragraghs with the 6s & 7s in them. Where it says "script file" make sure the name is the same as the JS file. Don't forget to save of course.
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