Hello Friend's. Sorry if this theme was be in here. I just find this place and maybe you can help me fix the problem. Ok. I'm new in theme creating. But almoust everything i know about how creat and how to end. My problem is that when i press button: Build theme, i get error message. I not creat my theme but i want to use already existing. In theme i just want to input sound. I know there is limit but i not outrun line. But if i opne theme and not puting sound and just want to save project, i get that same message. So where is the problem? I install all. Firs 2.5v and then 3.0
Here is that error image: my OS windows 7 32bit.
[Image Can Not Be Found]
Forum Contributor

Well.. Now i check my version of framework, and it's 4v. I think this is up to date?
[Image Can Not Be Found]
P.S. What i forgot to tell, i try edit theme.p3t format. Maybe this software is not support this format so good? P.S.S. Theme is dinamic. Is not secret, that i try with Heavy Rain dinamic theme.
Forum Contributor

Yep, it is!
So, if I understood correctly...
You've tried to rebuild the Heavy Rain theme using your own sounds, right? But when you press the "Build" button, it gives you the error showed above.
Well... unfortunately there's a thing to keep in mind: Theme Builder 3.0 has been programmed to run correctly only on Windows XP.
Anyway, there are some exceptions, and someone managed to run the program on Windows Vista and 7 thanks to a patch, but even so, it doesn't work 100% for everyone.
The only thing I can suggest you, for now, is to try to build a simple theme, just to see if Theme Builder works on your OS: once established if the program works (or not), we'll be able to analyze the problem.

Hello again. So i came with new experience. I try this program on OS XP an she work. I try open that same theme and i be able edit what i want. Then i push Build and everything be saved without error's. But when i tried input sound, i get error. But screen be not with framework, but simple error word. So i try but any opportunity to achieve victory. Hm.. About that sound what i do. I work with Audacity and creat format: wav. then this format i convert in: Vag.
Optimus, maybe if you have free time could test this.
Forum Contributor

Yep, I also use Audacity!
Ok, downloaded and tested: well, actually there's nothing to test because the only VAG file you've sent has no sound (just a noise) but it doesn't matter because the REAL problem is... sheesh... that file is so damn big! And for "big" I mean BIG in the real meaning of the word...
It's not only 142 KB but it's also 5 seconds long!
Ok, listen:
1) every sound in a theme must not exceed 2 seconds lenght (you could also reach 1.5 seconds, but much better if 1 second or less)
2) every sound must not exceed 20 or 30 KB size, because even if the maximum capacity displayed by Theme Builder is over 200 KB, actually the real capacity is less than 160 KB. So, since it's possible to put up to 5 sounds in a theme, you can't exceed 30 KB size for each file.
Hope this helps. Try again and good luck!

Mm.. I not read that i have to bookmark sound only about 1sec. so here is
problem. Ok. So i want check info again if i understand coreclly.. Lets
say i have song 5sec. Long. So i have to song split in 5 part's and then
with TB just select them all and upload? Or ar have to upload only one
second? P.S. Strange that in .vag you not heard Rain sound.
Forum Contributor

Ok... first of all, there's to say that every sound in a theme is related to the function you're about to perform: if you move the XMB there's a sound, if you click X button there's another sound, and so on.
That being said, I'm trying to understand: what would you wanna do with your sounds?
I mean: if you want to build a theme with a complete background music that continuously plays while you're using the theme... well, there's no way to do that.
Anyway, you could also split that song in 5 parts (as you said) so that each part corresponds to a function of the XMB (but in this case, every part of the song will play ONLY when the related function is used)
As for the .VAG file: I don't know, maybe it has been converted with a wrong codec, or its volume is so low that it cannot be heard...

Ok. I give you one link in youtube. Like you see in there is sound. And i want to creat something like that. Not only on button's, but that sound be in theme. Ok just look and then say what you think. P.S. In this video man just creat saound in him video, but not on theme. So i then and start to think if i can this sound use on theme.
Forum Contributor

Sorry, mate, but... as I said, there's no way to do that in a theme: that's a fake, in the meaning that the guy who did it, has only recorded a video of the theme (as you already noticed) and then he added a looped sound. Let's say that he's just a good "video editor".
So... we get back to what I explained you before: the only way to add sounds in a theme (normal or dynamic) is the procedure I told you.
If you wanna use the sound of that video, you absolutely can, but you'll never be able to set it as BGM, because it will be always related to a specific XMB function.
Forum Contributor

Don't mention it, bro!
Yep, it's really sad... we cannot even create dynamic themes because a "dev kit" is needed to make them, but this kind of software is only reserved for developers and Sony will never make it available.
Anyway, don't worry about that: start to create your themes and upload them here.
I'll be waiting to see your works!
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