Hey, me first post though I've been a member since 2010. Which is since than I've been using the PS3 Theme builder from the site here. Here's some observations on limitations with the said PS3 Theme builder that I'd like to address.
First, the theme builder has a limit of 16 HD backgrounds. You can actually increase this to which ever amount you want by altering a PS3 themes XML document with either Notepad or Wordpad. Some of the PS3 themes uploaded onto the site here have more than 16 HD backgrounds, so there's plenty of those who know how to do this.
Now, another limitation I've noticed on this is that no matter how many more HD backgrounds you have past the PS3 theme builders set 16 limit, only up to 24-25 of them will ever actually appear. This I just recently noticed when testing out a theme I've created in which I have 50 HD backgrounds on it. Of the 50, just half of them appear. Which makes me ask/wonder if that 24-25 backgrounds is the actual limit even when you alter the XML file.
Another limitation I've observed is related to the file size of the background images used with the PS3 theme builder. Note, the file size not the pixel dimensions which always have to be 1920x1080. I've noticed that if a 1920x1080 background has a file size which exceeds past 2MB, it will not show up at all. All backgrounds with a file size below 2MB show up no problem, but whenever a background that I know is bigger than 2MB, is supposed to appear, just the original plain PS3 background appears in its place. Which is too bad, cause the 1920x1080 backgrounds which are 2mb+ are always of the most highest of quality.
That is all. My guess is that others may have also noticed these specific limitations as well. Also if possible, if there's a way to bypass these specified limitations.
Btw, I haven't uploaded any of my creations onto the site here cause all of my p3t files exceed the 17mb file size limit. Having the best high quality image backgrounds will always make the p3t file a lot larger than 17mb.

Great information. I've been fighting those limits constantly myself. What I usually do is just build more raf / anim files and add more sets to the theme so that whenever the theme is reapplied then it will change which set it's playing. After altering the theme xml of course to accept multiple raf/anim files. Hope that helps. However what I've been trying to figure out is if there is a max file size to the p3t file in itself? The largest I've made and functioned so far would be almost 25mb.
Update- Max p3t size so far is 155mb. With 24 raf's combined to play 1 set of 15 frames at 1920x1080p. each hour. So like 24 themes in one file!...... I want to know if there's a way to bypass or raise the file size limit of the raf itself??? Since it's limited to 15mb.