I am still at Firmware 3.41 and recently read up on the newest firmware and I see that the Minis category has been changed.
([Saved Data Utility (minis)] under
(Game) has been changed to [Saved Data Utility (minis/PSP)].)
What I have been using for Firmware 3.41 is :
<icon id="icon_savedata_minis" src="icon_savedata_minis_1.gim.png" />
Is it different code now that there has been an update to the category ?
And please note any other changes to the theme XML after firmware 3.41.

Here's my icon name list. It has all current modifiable icons for firmware 3.66.
My static theme is REALiZTiK_3. Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....4cReM1bvi0
- <icon src="icon_setting_item_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_bdvd_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_game_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_chat_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_game_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_remoteplay_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_usbcamera_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_savedata_minis_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_mbox_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_browser_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_mbox_create_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_printer_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_video_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_mbox_received_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_tv_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_photo_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_security_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_psp_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_video_upload_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_playing_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_mbox_sent_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_friend_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_display_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_playlist_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_vmc_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_default_v_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_theme_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_pspms_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_default_h_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_music_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_download_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_datetime_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_onlinemanual_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_trophy_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_chatroom_text_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_playermet_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_system_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_user_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_network_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_poweroff_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_gamedata_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_photo_album_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_usb_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_savedata_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_playlist_add_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_music_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_powersave_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_cf_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_accountmanage_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_inet_search_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_photo_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_accessory_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_blocklist_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_newvmc_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_sd_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_sound_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_music_album_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_mediaserver_search_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_remoteplay_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_newuser_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_chatroom_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_network_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_update_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_addfriend_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_video_album_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_ms_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_video_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_chat_setting_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_music_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_usbaad_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_game_album_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="icon_game_default_1.gim.png"/>
- <icon src="Save-Data-Utility-(minis)_1.gim.png"/>

Devilush said:
<icon src="Save-Data-Utility-(minis)_1.gim.png"/>
Are you sure the ( ) and the – is correct ?
I seem to remember making a dynamic theme with the PoP and using this code the minis icon did not work,as you can see it is different from all the other code ?
Yeah it seems odd but that's what the icon was named from the untouched extracted pop theme. If you are talking about the minis icon shown in my video at 0:41 then the string you want to use is: <icon src="icon_savedata_minis_1.gim.png"/>
Can someone with firmware 3.70 confirm their minis icon is showing up using custom themes created prior to the new firmware.
Also could someone confirm that the TV icon is showing up using custom themes created prior to the new firmware.
Please list any other new theme XML icon coding that is present in the new firmware.
Forum Contributor

I updated to 3.70 just the other day: they only renamed those icons, which are still displayed correctly anyway.
I tested with the last 2 themes I uploaded before the new firmware (Darksiders and The Next Prodigy of Skateboarding, if you want to check) and then, I also asked to TheNextProdigy who confirmed everything's ok.
To make those themes I used the normal icon definition XML code as I always did: that's because, as I said, they only renamed those icons, but their definition is basically the same (in fact, I left "icon_savedata_minis", for example, and it worked)...

It is not in Sony's interest to do such a thing because they want you to purchase themes from the PSN Store.We can get the XML code ourselves,all we need is someone to rip a purchased(or free)theme from their PS3,a theme created for the current firmware,then unpack it.
I am sure zembor0 can,but he has stated he will no longer support the Dynamic editor,so I would not count on an update.
Forum Contributor

Well, guys... you can easily decompile them with a little program called "p3textractor".
Once you decompiled a theme, you can check its XML file content by simply opening it with the "note pad" or Microsoft's internal XML editor.
That's because the basic structure (ie, the XML file) of a dynamic theme is practically the same of a static one...
SYN1ST3R is talking about zembor0 updating the Dynamic builder with new themes to create from.
The XML files for static and dynamic themes are the same,accept for one difference…
Static theme :
<bgimage hd="hd_1.jpg" sd="sd_1.jpg" />
Dynamic theme :
<bgimage anim="anim_1.jpg"/>
Forum Contributor

Devilush said
Can someone with firmware 3.70 confirm their minis icon is showing up using custom themes created prior to the new firmware.
Also could someone confirm that the TV icon is showing up using custom themes created prior to the new firmware.
Please list any other new theme XML icon coding that is present in the new firmware.
Neither of these solutions worked for me?? Is there any other way the icon could be named? I have been searching for a couple of days without any luck.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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