Anyone know how to create custom scene files so that I can make a dynamic theme from scratch without having to use the animation method?
Basically, I have a project I created with a background image and turning wheels in various places. The problem is, the project was rendered as a 30 second HD video loop and I cannot use the animation method because there are far too many frames.
I know that there are various classes that can be used in the .xml scene files such as Actor, Model, Camera, etc.
What I would like to know is if it is possible to take the project I made in Photoshop and export each item within the project individually and then specify the animation for each object within the scene file or script file.
Basically, I would export the background and place that first. Then I would export each wheel as an individual object and somehow specify their position and then specify rotation speed and rotation direction. I would end up with 9 wheels all turning at different speeds and different directions. Also, some are in front of the background and some are only shown in part through "holes" in the background so I also need to specify placement (in front of or behind) in relation to the background image.
Can this be done? Can I export all objects individually and then recreate the scene in the scene file?
Please let me know if anyone out there can help me with this. I don't need any major animation code or anything. I just need to know how to place an object and make it rotate on a background.
Thank you.