Just had an hour spare and thought I would give this ago again but i'm stuck. 🙁
When I drag SlideShow.xml into the raf_comnpiler.exe it just creates a 'tmp' folder with a bg.dae file in and not a raf file.
Does anyone know what I have done wrong as I thought I followed the instructions but I have obv messed up somewhere.
Thank you's, always helpful where possible.
Forum Contributor
@ FukSN
Are there spaces/gaps in any of the directory's your using?
Try manualy running the raf_compiler.exe instead of drag and drop. To do this you have to use the command prompt (cmd.exe) then follow these steps
1. cd into the raf_compiler.exe directory like this
cd C:\Users\Glowball\.....\bin (then press enter)
2. type the .exe you want to use along with the file and directory
raf_compiler.exe C:\Users\Glowball\....\Themes\Uncharted3\SlideShow.xml (then press enter)
The raf_compiler.exe will start and any errors made will be displayed. Let me know what the error is if you can't work it out 🙂
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Forum Contributor
@ ticklemonster12
Why are you using mustache.xml?
I made the tutorial for the slideshow.xml with everything ready to make slideshow themes. Anyhow if your using Sony's mustache theme you need to change the script so just download my files.zip to make it easier for yourself.
For your info if the raf_compiler is successful but the background is not showing on the PS3 there is something wrong with the script.
thanks glowball1,
I was using mustache because i didn't know how to speed up the animation to .1 without causing problems but i just read how to fix that in the previous post.
i tried replacing all the dds with jpg in your slideshow.xml too but when i installed the theme on the ps3 the images wouldn't show up.
If you could figure out how to use jpeg's in the animated theme I would be eternally grateful.
because this would actually allow me to use higher quality, higher resolution images, plus I would be able to use more images in each theme due to compression and other factors. i did the math already and I can use almost twice as many images at the same resolution with jpg rather than dds
Thanks again Glowball1 i really appreciate your help! (:
The image quality (when converting to dds ) is definitely not the same so I hope I'm doing something wrong. It makes lower resolutions (like dvd) look under pixelated. like going from 640x360 to 400x225
I'm running the nvidia plugin 32bit on my 64 bit windows 7 because 64 bit wont work, and I'm using photoshop elements 4.0 . My settings are no mipmaps, no alpha rgb dxt1, and 2d.
I kinda feel like a jerk; like I'm asking for too much help. You've already helped enough glowball1 and I can already make awesome themes with the tutorials you made. I'm happy to work with the dds files ( which the quality isn't terrible for.. I exaggerated a bit on the quality loss ) and I found a way to make the quality a little better. Thanks for you help glowball. I'm looking forward to your future themes
Are you trying to stretch that image (400 by 225) across the whole screen? If so that could be your problem. When I converted an image of 1024x768 to 640x480 I didn't have any loss in resolution with the dds file.
Oh yea when changing the dds files to jpg make sure your pictures don't exceed 500kb because, for some reason that is the limit(raf_compiler will fail if over)... Hope this helps XD
@ Splitta,
I meant that when I converted a 640x360 jpg image to a 640x360 dds image the quality seemed to drop, but I found out when I do all the work resizing ect. in the same program ( adobe photoshop elements 4) and not two ( adobe photoshop elements 4 and paint shop pro x2) the quality loss seems to be less.. i'm not sure why though. Thanks splitta
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