Ok so something happened when i was making my first theme. It is supposed to be a animated theme with two characters clashing with their swords but a globe appears with some kind of strange writings in it. I dont know how i did this. I have put the right dds files but this thing just came out of nowhere. If anyone can say what this is that would be a great help ^^

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@uLtRaMa6nEt1c no i didnt download this theme, i accidentally make it. U noticed that the icon and sounds was from a tales of xillia theme which is my first theme right? at that time i was experimenting on how to put sounds, but things get messed up and when i put it to the p3tcompiler this became the result. I checked my previous files, even the video but there is no animated globe thing, Its also freaking impossible because at that time im still new on making themes and besides the way it loops is too good to be true. I hope some one can find out what is this. Its freaking me out!!
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im the only one who can use this computer, besides my family is not interested on this kind of things. the maker tools that im using is from glow ball's but im using mediatwinz dds converter to create dds. files. its weird wasnt it. if i can only make another one like this with the right icons and stuff it sure it will be wonderful theme but too bad for me haha since it is only an accident. T_T
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yes because its easier to understand since its a video and his version doesnt need to use nvidia at all. I dont have Nvidia on my computer so thats why i use his method. also it was my first time using his converter and until now im still using it. Its pretty weird but i guess there is no explanation on that. i might upload it for you and the others to examine it.
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@Glowball haha oh thats why it became like that haha anyway how come you didnt finish making this theme its a good one you know. Thanks for making haha it clear i can relax now without thinking that its a ghost or some creepy message.^^
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c haha yeah left overs, i shouldnt make too much assumptions but its too late cuz im too paranoid on this thing. Thanks for the help btw. like i said i can relax now with peace in mind haha^^