Hey all,
Well, I created a 5 second loopable 1920x1080 video in PS5 Extended and now I want to use it as the background animation for a Mass Effect 3 theme I'm working on. I'm finishing the icon set and will be ready to get it all together soon. The issue is: I can not find out how to use a full screen HD video/image sequence (whatever is required) in the tuts I have looked at. I have done video and audio editing for decades now, but this is beyond my current scope.
So, where do I go?
Who do I see?
What is that thing over there?
Where am I?
Thanx guys!
- Digi-Gen
Forum Contributor
Hey man I have a tutorial in the forum here http://www.ps3-themes.com/foru.....s-tutorial
It can look hard but it's very easy. When you have completed it once you probably won'yt need help from then on fella.

Okay, I got the animation in to layers as I needed. I went with 34, 1280x720 (1/2 HD) images instead of the 87 smaller ones as I discovered I could from HERE.
Faxtron said
About resolution :
Full animated themes : In 87 frames 640x480, 34 frames 1280x720 and 15 frames 1920x1080
Animated Window theme : 640x360
Good Luck
I also had to edit the AnimatedFull.xml and the AnimatedFull.js to remove all the parts that pertained to images 35-87 and it seemed to create the AnimatedFull.raf without issue.
The animation now works on the BG but is in the wrong position and seems to be stretched to the upper left as well. I created the BG so that certain areas of the screen 'held' portions of the XMB icons and buttons. Mainly the info banner in the upper right and the options button in the lower right. They are both now out of register.
What am I missing here? There must be more editing that needs done in the xml/js/dae files I'm guessing?
Thanx again.
Forum Contributor

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