I want to ask if any of you know a way to extract PS3 themes from the console. I know it has to be possible thanks to Dynamic Theme Editor, which has some of PSN Store themes, like PoP etc.
From what i googled around it seems we can't make our own dynamic animations, so i would like to have bigger variety instead.
For example. On Japanese PSN Store there is a dynamic Demon's Souls theme which i really like, but they never released it on US and EU Stores. What i would want to do is somehow get it out of my PS3 HDD and share it (I don't care about any copyright, it's their fault they didn't release it) + it's icons suck, so perhaps i would make new ones.
Even if i take consoles HDD out and connect it to PC i can't get anything out of it.
I admit i'm bad with this kinda stuff and that's why i ask for help (+google failed me).
So please, is there any way to get themes from my PS3...possibly without formatting my HDD?
Forum Contributor
All PSN content is encrypted so even if you have the theme you can't edit it. The themes on the dynamic theme editor where not encrypted so they are editable.
Just checked out the theme on youtube it is the first I have seen of it. It looks cool and it is the first PSN theme I've seen that is an MDT.
To say that you don't care about copyright is stupid as you don't even know how much effort it takes to create a dynamic theme from scratch.

Too bad then, i really wanted to edit it and share it if possible.
Look, if they don't want our money i won't force it to them. I always always buy my stuff the legit way, but if the desired merchandise isn't available in my country, or at least region i just pirate it. If they didn't release the theme here, it's their own fault if someone wants to steal it and share it.
And yes, i don't know how much work it requires to make a theme from scratch and Sony doesn't know how much work it requires to get my hands on Japanese PSN voucher (so i can buy the theme) with my almost extremist distrust towards internet payments.
Forum Contributor
You make a good point that some themes are only available on certain PSN stores.
So heres how it works a PS3 dev creates a theme and chooses which PSN store it can be available on. The dev then uploads the theme to the Sony servers. Sony authorise the theme and automaticly put it on the correct version(s) of the PSN store. So the theme developer is the person in control of what country/version of the PSN store it goes on.
Hope this is more clear for you. Contact the dev and to him/her to change the icons (the url should be in the info) .
I am also working on a tutorial on how to make a dynamic theme from scratch.