[Tutorial] How to create an animated theme and add static images to that theme with the corresponding dae.|PS3 Themes|Forum|PS3 Themes

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[Tutorial] How to create an animated theme and add static images to that theme with the corresponding dae.

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January 21, 2013 - 6:41 am
Member Since: August 10, 2011
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[Tutorial] How to create an animated theme and add static images to that theme with the corresponding dae.

Well in this tutorial I will try to show you how to add statics images in a theme and how to create a dae files according to your images. I know that we can add images directly to an animated secuence using Photoshop but with that method you can’t take full control and quality of our images. Other reason is because I want to start a series of tutorials to show you how we can animate those elements and for that you need first to learn this. You know we need to start the learning process by the basics to finally achieve a theme animated with some dynamic components inside of it. I’m not a pro making tutorials and my English is not the best but I will try to do my best. I told to some users here that I will be giving this information, so I'm feel like in a duty to do this job in some way.

"The knowledge are free or have to be free" ... Knowing this... :

Let’s start with this process Laugh

Tools you will need to create your theme :

1-Photoshop or Gimp to manipulate the video and the images. I prefer for this Photoshop but with Gimp and some pluggings you can do the job.

2- NVIDIA DDS pluggins for Photoshop to save the images bgs to dds (DXT1 RGB 4 bpp | no alpha)

If you don't have photoshop you can use this to convert jpg to DDS : http://www.mediafire.com/download/l2o84cckklh1e6p/DDS+Converter+1.4.zip

3-Notepad ++ for edit .xml or js if needed.

4- And the exes and files to compile the raf. Are the same tools used for the creation of SlideShow, Animated or Dynamic themes. Nothing is new here.

5. Finally our DCC application in this case “Blender” and Why ? Blender, because is a free open source 3D content creation suite that you can use without problems to save your files in DAE format needed for our purpose.

Things you will have to know :

1. This process envolve the animated theme creation so you will have to learn this first and for that you can follow a few tutorials written or created in videos from here :

Writed tutorial :

a. http://www.ps3-themes.com/forum/ps3-themes/how-to-create-animated-themes-tutorial

Video tutorials :

b. http://www.ps3-themes.com/forum/ps3-themes/animated-theme-video-tutorial


(Yes; my video tutorial is old but works ;) )

Once you learn how to create an animated theme you can continue with the process :

Ok; To create a theme animated with some static pictures on it you have first to have all the DDS files from your video extracted and ready to use. Then find those additional pictures (jpgs) that you will be using in your theme and open it all the individual pictures or static images in Photoshop to create an alpha channel in all those individual images one by one. This part is important and you need to do this because if you not create the alpha channel in the images or in any static element that you are using that’s element will not be seen in the XMB. Finally once you create the alpha channel for your images export the images the same as your “frames” in a DDS format with this settings :


Use photoshop to see and write somewhere all the sizes for all the individual images in “cm” because you will need that info. later to finally create the dae file (model) of all the individual images with the DCC application in this case using Blender.
Once you have all the static images in DDS format with the alpha channel created is time to create the .dae files for those images with blender.

For this tutorial I will be building a theme like the theme created by Glowball for Hitman because is the perfect choice to show this process and because I want a version of this theme for me without the lazer and without the animations in the logos. For reasons that are more than clear here never this final product will be available to download. So don’t ask for that here. Only I’m building this theme now for me and for learning purposes.

Well I will use tree images to be exact as my static images in this example and those parts would be :

1. One to be complement to the animation of the backgrownd.
2. Other will be one part of the logo.
3. And finally the other part of the logo.

I will show you how to build two dae files for the two parts of the logo, because always will be the same process. Nothing will change and the only different thing here always will be images, locations, sizes, etc. And for the backgrownd you can use this dae file perfectly that is extracted from the animated method. You don’t have to waste time on something that is already done. BTW : You can use this bg.dae to others backgrownds projects in a near future without problems ;)

For the backgrownd part use this dae : http://www.mediafire.com/?4ud0n6dz15ibe62

Open your DCC application "Blender" and follow the video :

I will explain this other part in a video because is better to follow and a few important steps are not seen in another tutorial before like the creation of the DDS files or the alpha channel that you can get it in the Glowball tutorial. What can I say the creation of the dae involve a few important steps that you have to do right to work … So open you DCC application and follow this video :

The final part will be the explanation of the xml and the download for those files needed in the process and creation of our raf file to learn how to add those static elements there. Writing a little code for the localization of the elements in the XMB.

I will leave you an example image of the XML files and the lines added for the Hitman with static logo.


and the download for the XML and JS used in this case : http://www.mediafire.com/?dybqvl2z6bblfsk

Well as you can see in the picture of the XML for the raf I added tree additional elements there according to my static elements : Image for the complement of the backgrownd, logo and logo 2. If you want to add elements there with that you can get the idea because will be the same. If you see in the logo and logo 2 I writed an additional code for the “position : x,y,z ” the rest are the same and is very important because with that code there you can be able to move and locate your static element in the XMB as you desire.

**You can play with those values in position = x,y,z and this concept is good for locate images in a 3D space for example changing the "z" value you will be able to move the picture back or front as desire making a 3D effect.**

// Other thing if you want to resize the image you have to add : scale = x,y,z and play with those values to get the size desire. Example : scale = 1,1,1 :) Check the example image :


The final step on this tutorial is the compilation and the only thing you have to do is copy all those static elements DDS, DAE and XML in the same folder that you have the raf tools and other DDS "frames" for your animated secuence, .js "script, etc and compile the theme like you always do. The "js" or script used is the same as the animated themes so grab this archive from the animated folder and edit only the number of frames you want to use. The final product will look like this :

**This example theme never will be available to download**

If you have problems with the loading / Viewing the video in Youtube because the video are blocked in your country don't worry there are light at the end of the tunel... download the video from here :


With this concept and a few more you will be able to move/animate those elements that are part of your theme if you want to add an element dynamic to your theme. But that is topic for another tutorial consider this tutorial the part 1 of 2. Laugh

I think my next tutorial will be for the "Mini-SlideShow" method. Here is the example video :


January 21, 2013 - 10:41 am
Member Since: September 11, 2012
Forum Posts: 111
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amazing work faxtron im going to make one later , thanks for all your time and effort you have put in for this tutorial ,just brilliant A+

Staten Island, NY

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January 21, 2013 - 11:35 pm
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Yo Faxtron, this is AWESOME. My bad for not replying to your PM. Been busy Smile
I've been wanting to do this for a while. I've been able to fake this effect because I use Flash. I really wanted to do this with my slideshows. While the images are sliding or fading I wanted a static logo there. The frame limitations of Animated Themes prevent me from doing this with slideshows in Flash. What you did here that really saved me was letting us know about Blender. That is safer for me to get Wink
What I'm trying to do now is a Horizontal Scrolling Slideshow. Will update everyone if it is successful Laugh

Thanks a lot Faxtron
PS: Upload those dope ass themes I see in those videos Laugh


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January 22, 2013 - 1:14 am
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@AUDIODEVIANT Thanks bro !

@uLtRaMa6nEt1c Thanks mate and don't worry I understand you are very busy like me it's part of this life.

PS : It's already uploaded the new tutorial for the mini-slideshows theme.


Let's see if i can create another one soon.


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January 22, 2013 - 9:23 pm
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@ Faxtron

this is very confusing and only seems like you have seen something in my hitman theme and made it your duty to share with others which is fine of course fella Laugh. but just so you know the information has always been there and I gave it to you when you before you made this


and the reason for you not showing us how to do the animations is because you can't write scripts and you never have been able to man. that isn't a insult towards you it's just a fact. my advice to you is not to share information in this manner cus thats what ps3devwiki is for mate and don't use other peoples work(even if credits are given) cus you will only look a fool.

creation is done collectively as a team/group or individually/solo not secondary cus thats already been created

I know that last bit is confusing lol Smile


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January 22, 2013 - 9:56 pm
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Thanks man for your comment but I will explain to you something :

The knowledge I have right now is extracted directly from the SDK from sony, yes man from oficial information + other info I get from other surces and by my own. And the info. about this in "ps3devwiki" is extracted from the sdk in 98% and you know that. If you think I can't make an Dynamic theme right now or you think that I can't animate those elements you are completly wrong because I can and if you want I can give you prof of that.

I don't know what happend with you bro sometimes you sound so arrogant. Why ?

How do you know right now what I can do or not with themes ? What do you know what I can achieve right now. Tell me.

You live with me ?
You work with me ?

..... ?

Are you remember this :




Those themes are created using a modefied "PSJS" created by me my friend.

And were you get the knowledge for the Slideshows or Animated method ?

I will tell you from the base script extracted from the SDK the mustache.js and the mustache.xml

From there came the variations.

BTW: a100miles2go came here long time ago with it. We can't forget that....

This is the last time I will be using one of your themes for my tutorials that is not a problem and sorry for take your work as an example for my tutorial.

But with time I will continue my work here. Whit your aproval or without your aproval. In fact I don't need your aproval because all of this info. is extracted directly from the sony SDK and you know that. So nobody here are owner of nothing and if you want prof of that too let me know to upload here where you get all that info. In that case the real owner of the tools and the info. is clearly Sony.

For this and other reasons is that I never, never ask you any thing. I don't like your attitude buddy. Always so arrogant and I don't like that.

Let me do my job and don't fuck with my job because I never fuck with yours.

And what you taking about ? Why you put this here :


This theme its created using a different method (JSX edit / Pop.jsx) and tools (Dynamic Theme Editor) and you know that.

All that new info. is for how to create but using the SDK raf tools, that are the real tools used for all this shit. Not the (Dynamic Theme Editor) or making themes based in editions of the scrips of POP.jsx, HR.jsx. etc. What you want to tell us here ?

And why is confusing ??? You knew a better method ? If you know tell us what is your method.

And again if you need an example of one animated theme with some dynamic elements inside let me know to send you a PM with a modification of your Hitman.

**I'm sorry if I sound rude but I'm tired very, very tired about your attitude.**

//Sorry PS3-Admin for the drama

Thanks !


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January 23, 2013 - 12:54 am
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@ Faxtron

admittedly I have been very direct with you recently but in no way arrogant. I speak my mind in a constructive positive or negative way. I am not too fussed about ratings but I always request feedback for my themes and an arrogant person thinks they are better so they wouldn't like to hear bad comments right? anyway that is your opinion of me and I can accept that lol

before I discuss scripts, animations, methods etc... I will explain more of why I am coming across as an ass fella. you have always been a great theme creator and when you said you wanted to learn more about dynamic theming I was happy to hear that Laugh. but with your recent threads you are proving that you have no depth in your "work"(as you put it not arrogance lol).

there are many users here who may come along take what they like use whats available to gain credit or rep which is fine thats part of this site and the internet in general man. but I never thought you would be one to do that Confused. if you come up with a template theme, new script or a quick tutorial then all I'm trying to say is make it your own there is no need to copy or use someone elses stuff it's just not a standard developers way fella.

ok so my method is the actual way I made the hitman theme. I used the same .dae throughout the whole .xml. I created my dds images then used then changed scale attributes for each in the .xml. if you can look at the mini slideshow it is used in that and don't forget to look at the other attributes available in the .sxml in the tmp folder Wink. this way is another trial and error process but you get used to it and if you use the same .dae it will start off in the same position making it very easy to move and animate. that is probably how the POP theme was created.

I don't take anything personal that you have said as I am just the user GlowBall nohing more nothing less fella Smile


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January 23, 2013 - 1:13 am
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Well my friend i don't want to talk about that incident any more. Is unesessary, but.... You think I'm using your files and you are wrong the xml and the js used is a modification from the original scripts extracted from the sdk the same thing as a100miles2go did and you did. I'm learning from those files the "original" files because those files are complete with some new info. never released. And i get some .text, PDFs, and some other examples extracted files + an other info that are helping me with this. As you can see I achieve those new thing I know now by my own. And why because is the only way I have. There are many ways to create a Dynamic theme and one is without the creation of the .js and you know that, I think. The other is with the help of a .js in some cases and for that reason you can see not all the elements need to be coded/ writed/ present in a js.There are cases that you see 4 elements animated in a theme with js but only 2 of them for example are writed in the js. I like this shit a loot as you can see and for that reason is my favorite hobby right now. BTW: I forgot something If you need an example of one Dynamic Theme created from scratch to without the use of a js to animate let me know I have a few one created in that way. So you can extract the anim_1 to do your homework.

You tell me this : "all I'm trying to say is make it your own there is no need to copy or use someone elses stuff it's just not a standard developers way fella." and "don't use other peoples work(even if credits are given) cus you will only look a fool."

You did the same with : mustache.xml and mustache.js even with the modification of the POP.jsx and the modification of the theme created by ultra for killzone. So what you taking about ? ....and as I said im using other info I get right now. So your are calling your self a "fool" ?

And you said : "to gain credit or rep "

I'm not doing this for that reason. Im doing this because I like to help others, thats is the real motivation. I don't know what is your. Reputation... you said.. lol I get my reputation in my work with my college title or PhD for MD long time ago my friend. I don't need "ghost" reputation from the web or from a hobby for a nick name, thats not give to me nothing.

All that sound good but the way this world runs is that way u know the science for example that take others people work to transform old teories in new ones, those teories are constructed from many, many diferents teories as base to prof the new one even from time, to time those teories are converted to laws. Yes my friend the universe and the wold runs in that way . all those great scientist of all time work in that way. Aristóteles, socrates, copernico, leonardo da vinci, dalton, an many more. So let's call all of them fools too. lol... i'm in dissagee with you my friend.

BTW : The only common files used here are the images and of course the idea, because I can't use other files to be more exact because are encripted or converted in a file that I can't use. Went I extract the anim_1 to get the files you see that all that files are encripted. So you have to create your own PSJS, XML, DAE files,etc and the reason is simple. The Raf_compiler act like an interpreter like you know calling all the rest of the tools Raf_script,Raf_anim, etc and take all the files DDS, XML, JS, Dae files, etc and convert all those files to other formats and don't even that encript all those files. So I can use the Images converted from DDS to GTF because I have the tool to convert it back to from GTF to DDS, But I can't use the jsx converted from the Js because is encripted. Even if I decript the file I can't take a copy of the original file and the same shit is with the XML for the raf. Not only that the DAE files are converted to .edge , and other files too and I can't use those files because we can't convert it back to DAE files. Or even get the original JS or XML for the creation of the raf. For that reason I have to create my own DAE files acording to our images and the same thing with the JS and XML to compaile the theme. So why you continue saying that I'm using all your files, If I can't use your XML, JS, DAE, etc. The only files that I'm really using are the images (DDS) nothing more all the models or scripts here have to be rewriten or remaked. You know that. So crearly with this you can see that I wrote or modify files that already have or I know how to recreate.

Well my friend you are acting "angry" because I'm walking in somthing you think is only your territory or something ?

About that info you gave me in that message thanks but the way I'm working is a little diferent but sure this will help not only me, will help others too and I like that 🙂

Sorry my friend but Im human and I have my bad days too, I never,never want to offend you. I'm sorry for that attitude bro. Nothing here is personal.


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January 23, 2013 - 7:55 pm
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Sorry if I'm intruding, but... let me remind you all, guys, the main reason why we're here, which is supposed to be sharing our passion with others.
Sharing doesn't lie only in the fact of allowing others to have a great theme on their PS3s, but it also implies the dissemination of our knowledges, so that everybody can use them if interested.
This means that, aside our personal ideas and concepts that give life to our works, nobody here really is the owner of anything, because we all are actually using someone else's stuff.
And in the case of dynamic themes, this is even more true because it doesn't matter who was the first or the last to discover how to work on the scripts to create these themes, or who was able to evolve and improve such procedure to create better effects and stuff like that: they only used someone else's knowledges and tools to achieve that goal... and the REAL owners of those knowledges and tools are Sony and the engineers/programmers who created them.
We didn't pay a cent, so there's no GlowBall, or Faxtron, or a100miles2go, or AUDIODEVIANT, or even OPTIMUS (who still makes static themes, looool Laugh ) or anybody else: we do not possess nothing of what we use to share our passion with others here, except the creativity that allows us to create our themes; so if one of us decides to disclose a discovery, then he cannot claim that no one uses it to find out more and/or create something different to share (be it themes, procedures, or even tutorials) simply because he did exactly the same thing, by starting from someone else's findings who, in turn, did the very same thing, and so on...
When a100miles2go made public his discovery/procedure here, he did it to allow everyone doing what until then only he could do. And given that he did nothing but working on someone else's scripts, he never said to be the owner of the procedure, as well as he never decided who could do what and how with that procedure.
And GlowBall, friend... when you too started uploading your tutorials here, showing how to get new effects and anything else, you created your own procedure the same way as a100miles2go did time ago (as well as someone else before him)... i.e. working on the same scripts, which are inevitably the main source of everything is at the base of dynamic themes. It's a chain... so, it doesn't make sense telling someone to create his own stuff without using other people's work if you've had to do the very same thing to create your own. That kind of statement is like saying "even if I used someone else's work, I'm the owner of that procedure anyway"... but those scripts are the only basis from which to start creating something, so anyone who wants to find new ways to get new effects, has no other choice but to use those scripts.
And we cannot tell someone if he can or cannot do/use/create something that we ourselves have done/used/created (I seem we already talked about something similar, right? And by the way I'm still waiting for an answer...)

As I said, we're here to share our passion with others, and not to tell others what to do and how they should do it. But looks like that some are losing sight of this point... Cry


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January 23, 2013 - 10:08 pm
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Thanks my friend for your comment. As always giving us light in the shadows with your answers 🙂 I totally agree with you.


Well you disappeared ?... I will leave you one more thing because acording to your "teories" : you said : " you can't write scripts and you never have been able to man. that isn't a insult towards you it's just a fact."

I can't create a theme with my own script you said. I already did with my transformer, but i think you forgot that so I will leave you an example for another theme with some dynamic element inside. That theme is created with the help of an PSJS for the animation . I can do this with other elements too (sphere or images) and I will release new themes dynamics with time using this method, no right now. Of course I will try to do a new tutorial too for this. I'm working in a few things that I want to learn to finally release all I have or I know. And yes my friend that animation or any other I can create fit perfectly in an animated + dynamic theme only we have to add an array secuence to the script to add that animated part.

January 26, 2013 - 1:56 am
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@Faxtron , everytime i watch that test footage i twitch lol , cant wait!! my mind is racing with idea's for that box!!! element , wow the things we are going to be able to make , your the s**t faxtron !!

i have said it before i will say it again your a wise old AUTOBOT you always have the right words to share with us !! and your view of everything its like your l
OPRAHTIMUS lol ; )CoolCool you rock


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January 26, 2013 - 11:41 am
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LOL! Thanks alot, guys... but that's simply the truth.
The fact is that for me there always been a certain harmony and balance here, but lately it seems to me they vanish, sometimes... so, whenever I can, I always try to keep them intact...

Hey, AUDIO... I really like your new hat! Wink


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January 26, 2013 - 2:17 pm
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you are right fella and I already understand the concept of the internet. you upload or share something to the internet for FREE then you give all ownership rights to the internet and it's users. but would like to know your views on payed for or encrypted content on the internet?

also I have my reasons for disruption with this tutorial and will explain to Faxtron man

@ Faxtron

firstly I apologies for my attitude towards you and I agree now you can write out a script and I am excite for the future of themes Laugh

secondly over time it seems you and others among this site act like or assume I'm holding back on information and all I can say is your wrong and I can prove how.

I create a new style theme first it was the original slideshow http://www.ps3-themes.com/gami.....-show.html on this site then followed my tutorial http://www.ps3-themes.com/foru.....show-theme. that was Sony's(dev - daigo) script but my tutorial and help images.

next came the animated window style theme http://www.ps3-themes.com/gami.....mated.html then the src and tutorial http://www.ps3-themes.com/foru.....s-tutorial. that was Sony's(dev - daigo) script but my tutorial, help images, xml and creative idea Wink.

the next style was pro slideshow theme http://www.ps3-themes.com/gami.....eshow.html then the src and tutorial http://www.ps3-themes.com/foru.....e-tutorial. another creative idea lol. my script and xml but inspired through an understanding of Sony's(dev - daigo) photo theme (you call it mini slideshow).

the next style will/would contain http://www.ps3-themes.com/gami.....indow.html and basics of http://www.ps3-themes.com/gami.....namic.html resulting in a tutorial basics of dynamic themes. which is in a nut shell turning animated themes into dynamic themes by adding more effects.

so there is a pattern to my work and the reason for that is to give a clear understanding of what you can achieve and at a noob level so everyone can get involved.

also as history between us proves when you have asked for information or help privately you have recieved it in the best way I can explain sometimes without being unfair to the rest of the inernet as in an upcoming tutorial. I have contributed a bit to the PS3 scene with dynamic themes, mods and tutorials. I do this because I believe exactly what you believe "how to" information should be shared but I do it in safe manner meaning no future problems or bricks.

so when information is shared by me I consider my resources(mostly my own findings), I test for problems and before I release my tutorial. my youngest brother of 12 years tests the tutorial out then I know it's easy to follow with patience. I also use my own images and try not to mention other users of the internet to avoid any conflict or reaction from anyone.

I am not saying this is how it should be done but from my experience it works and more people get involved and have a go.

so because you have mentioned me as a user and you give information which is in my upcoming tutorial(now in the balance) and it is not that clear and too advanced for users to understand. you may think I'm being an ass again lol but I will give you a realistic scenario below.

a user who has been creating animated themes privately(no contact with other users) follows one of your tutorials but makes a mistake with the code and ends up with an XMB brick. he doesn't contact you because he may feel stupid or thinks it's wrong or is annoyed at what you have done to his PS3. so he decides to contact Sony who realise this situation may harm their buisness and could loose them customers not just for this product but for all Sony products. Sony then choose an option of whether to sue whoever is responsible for the realease of the SDK or stop unsigned dynamic themes working on all up to date consoles. both options are not good for the internet but if they stop dynamic themes working all our hard work is lost YellCry.

if you think I'm being un-realistic I would like to know why??? but keep in mind Sony own the consoles and could remove themes altogether if they wanted.

apologies once again and I hope these conversations don't sour our friendship on themes becuase I enjoy creating and contributing to this site very much Laugh


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January 26, 2013 - 3:45 pm
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@GlowBall: I agree with you on that, but... consider that Sony could easily decide to inhibit the use of dynamic themes on PS3 SIMPLY because they're made with leaked (therefore illegal) stuff, rather than the risk of damaging the console (which would only be fault of the user who made an improper use of the console)

Aside this, what I don't understand is...
You say you always test everything very thoroughly, etc, and that's a good thing, but... What makes you think the others do not do the same? (The way you put it, looks like that's what you think)
I don't think they're so stupid to release stuff that could be potentially dangerous for other users.

[And don't worry for friendship: friends can always have different points of view... Wink ]

January 26, 2013 - 3:46 pm
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@ OPTIMUS lol , yeah the new HAT ps3 theme style ... got to represent bro !!


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January 26, 2013 - 6:12 pm
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I'm sorry for this situation and again I never, never want to say something to you to offend your work and yourself. I will tell you again something I tell you before, I consider you one of the best Dynamic Theme maker and user thats bringing more help on this here for dynamic themes and I have much respect not only to you, to all the works you do. But something I can't tolerate as you can see is a bad attitude with my work and other people works. I agree with you now my friend and I understand and thats the Glowball I want to read but as you can see my work is created following all those concepts you are talking. We can be in disagree its normal but with respect always. I'm working follow the same way like you worrying always in the safety of the final product as always I do, with all I do. What I can said, I decide to investigate by myself and learn not only all you gave us, a100miles2go gave us with animated themes before, and others in the forum gave us, because is better for me and for others on this site. You are right whit all those works you do all this time and you are one if not the most influent user on this, that is something that no one here is in doubt. I understand what you taking about that you are trying to make it the most easy as you can for the final user to undertand better the concepts and you are trying to make it in a chronological order, I understand perfectly. But you can't try to stop other users to do the same, investigate and came here with new info. to help because that info. is needed to continue to do better job in this . Other thing I don't understand is why is you see something that I do in my "tutorial" that can be done in other easy way or in a better way you don't tell us or explain here how we can do or other user do to make a better job. Or simply if someone ask you something that is out of your "tutorial" you never ask. Example : I ask you one day how to move the animated window and you give an answer with a picture only that no give to any user nothing. The same thing with other questions including the dae creation an question someday somebody ask and is part of this tutorial. That day I understood that never,never should ask you something. You knew the answer but you refused to give it and I don't know why ? You have all you reasons to do what you did and I respect that but that day was the day I said....... Well is time to do it by yourself. and as you can see successfully. I'm not doing this for any credit, reputation or even competition like you think. I'm doing this for me and to help others like you do and if you can't give to me (personally) nothing I have to find the answer by my own. I hope you understand that. If with my investigation I can help others I will do it because I like to do that. You know we are running to find the same road but with different shortcuts that all. And you know what is happening in that way bacause all findings are hidden or made by only one and I tired of that. If someone ask only one can answer to that, etc. I don't know if the method I fond is the right "method" or I don't know if I'm doing right but works and is the way I found it. You know i'm not a pro and this things I do to the community of PS3 nothing have to do with my real work. I'm doing this because I like it and I have fun doing it. All I know about it is extracted directly from the web on years not from books or in a college. I'm not consider myself a graphic artist, coder or something like that and for that reason you can see sometimes that all I do don't follow "college" rules. Anyway I know you will be doing new tutorials soon like you said and I like that. I will be here waiting for that knowledge like always you do to put it in practice. Laugh

About the thing about Sony I think you are right they can remove this function if they wanted, like he did with : Linux, use of third parties accessories, retrocompatibility, and other things... That's is not new and as you know this thing pass one time before with the update FW 4.00 lol... But I think he remove all he think is not veneficial in $$$ to the company or compromise the security of the console.. I think Sony never will remove this feature because this is veneficial to the company in $$$ and less will remove that feature because a few users are working in something he don't want to make it public or for a semi-brick that is easy to fix. In summary I think this don't have to cause any big problem in a console. I told you before what I think to the semi-bricks and nobody here have to semi-brick any console with our investigation and knowledge.

BTW : At end, the user is responsible to what he install in the console, not Sony, not PS3-Themes, not Faxtron, not Glowball.... And if you see in the tutorial to do this he have to know how to create animated theme first and for that reason is that I give the links for the user to learn first the basics concepts to then try to do others. Everytime that's I release something here is tested in 100% like you do.


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January 27, 2013 - 1:31 am
Member Since: April 13, 2011
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I have no doubt that people test to thier work to a level man. all I can say is that dynamic themes are very complex and are like a new computer language so if the rules(grammar) are not followed the computer(PS3) doesn't understand and can/will become unresponsive. most bad results are easy fix semi bricks but I did have to format my hdd once Frown I was on firmware 4.21 at the time tho so it may of been fixed Confused

@ Faxtron

it's cool fella and I have alot of respect for you also. you are completly right man more people should know or at least understand the dynamic theme language thats why I gave a link to the .pdf's. as for me responding to messages or requests mate like yourself this is a hobbie of mine and I do have other interests, work and family so sometimes my commitments are elsewhere tho I do have alot of posts here lol. several people asked how to move the window and I said the same thing that you have to load both bg.dae and border.dae into a dcc tool like 3ds max and move bg.dae then save bg.dae in collada(dae) format. anyway thats history your aboard and want to take themes to the next level Laugh


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January 27, 2013 - 4:22 pm
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=> TO GLOWBALL: Yep, I know that. And considering the computational complexity of today's systems (even when it comes to "simple" consoles) we can safely say it's not "like" a language, but it "really" is a language... I was used having fun with this stuff, long ago, so I perfectly understand what you mean.

Man, what happened to you is very bad and I always suffer when I hear of things like that... I sincerely hope your PS3 wasn't jailbreaked because, as far as this modify could be considered safe, it never really is at 100%, and it can conflict with the system any time.
You certainly know that when you jailbreak a PS3, you're inevitably forcing the console to integrate a "foreign structure" provided with its own operation, which has been specifically designed to alter certain functions of the system that hosts it.
In addition, if you put also a third variable represented by a script that goes to further modify the overall functioning of the system, well... here come the problems, regardless of how much the script has been tested.
In short, there are too many variables in play... that's why, for example, a game freezes, or it may even crash the whole system [especially when it comes to RPGs (damn you, Fallout New Vegas! LOL! Laugh )]
It's simply because of the natural diversity of several structures that have to coexist in a way or another.

Anyway, these are only digressions of an old Autobot like me... Wink

=> TO EVERYONE: What I'd REALLY like, guys, would be to finally see you all keep on doing what you like to do, any way you want, without putting a spanner in the works each other.
I say that because honestly I'm starting to be tired of these trifles between you, guys, that do not bring benefit to anyone: this is supposed to be a community, which literally means "a group of people, united by common interests and conditions, acting in order to achieve mutual benefits"!
Don't get me wrong, guys, I'm not angry with you, it's just that lately I don't see any community, but only people who quarrel about things that actually should serve to strengthen the union between you all: no more harmony, no more balance, no more friendship. Only discussions about this and that (and the worst thing is that it all started because of a discovery that should serve you all)

- GLOWBALL & FAXTRON: You keep on doing your excellent work the way you want, my friends, and then join your knowledges/discoveries to the benefit of everyone here.

- AUDIODEVIANT: Welcome back, my friend!

- EVERYBODY: Work together to make this site even better than it already is.

And if I'll hear other bulls**ts, I'll send Metroplex to destroy you all!
OPTIMUS has spoken! Laugh


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February 15, 2013 - 5:24 am
Member Since: March 25, 2011
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Wow whats going on here aint been on for a while and i see all this petty arguing between my 2 old friends 🙁 now sort it out or uncle RADZwill sort you both out LOL 🙂 .


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February 15, 2013 - 5:30 pm
Member Since: August 10, 2011
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@OPTIMUS Agree with you at all my friend... Thanks !

RADZ said

Wow whats going on here aint been on for a while and i see all this petty arguing between my 2 old friends 🙁 now sort it out or uncle RADZwill sort you both out LOL 🙂 .

Nice to see you again my friend. It's all right... Only a little misunderstanding that has already been solved. You know Glowball it's not only my friend here was my mentor since I started in this and as you know this situation never, never will be something personal. We are here to help us as always have to be, nothing more.

Thanks for your comment bro 🙂

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