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[Tutorial] How to create “SlideShow Plus” themes.
In this tutorial I will try to show you how to create “SlideShow Plus” Themes. This is very easy and more if you create a slideshow theme before, because it’s the same process but with diferent files for example (XML-JS) that I will provide, sizes in the images, etc.. All of this is always the same with a few minor variations. This theme style have two effects in the same theme (Glide + Fade ) for that reason is that I call it " SlideShow Plus".
Let’s start with this process
Tools you will need to create your theme :
1-Photoshop or Gimp to manipulate the video and the images. I prefer for this Photoshop but with Gimp and some pluggings you can do the job.
2- NVIDIA DDS pluggins for Photoshop to save the images bgs to dds.
If you don't have photoshop you can use this to convert jpg to DDS : http://www.mediafire.com/download/l2o84cckklh1e6p/DDS+Converter+1.4.zip
3-Notepad ++ for edit .xml and .js if needed.
4- And the exes and files to compile the raf. Are the same tools used for the creation of SlideShow, Animated or Dynamic themes called the "RAf Tools". Nothing is new here.
5- Files or material nedeed to be used to edit and finally create your SlideShow Plus theme :
Source code of Graffiti Theme : http://www.mediafire.com/?r7qx1lsfm82k6qr
Things you will have to know :
1. This process envolve the creation of SlideShows themes so you will have to learn this first and for that you can follow a few tutorials written from here :
Writed tutorial :
a. http://www.ps3-themes.com/forum/ps3-themes/slide-show-theme
b. http://www.ps3-themes.com/forum/ps3-themes/pro-slideshow-dynamic-theme-tutorial
Once you learn how to create an SlideShow theme you can continue with the process :
Ok; To create a “Slideshow Plus” theme you have first to have all the material I provided in the point five ready to be edited. So take your images "5 frames" jpgs and edit it with your images and save it to DDS format. In this Example theme I will create one theme with only five images (DDS) with a resolution of 1920x1080 renemed as bg01, bg 02,bg03….bg05. I will be using five as I said but we can use more in a future release. I have to deal how to get more. So I will have to do more homework with that.
Ok; now you have to open Photoshop to create an alpha channel in all those individual images one by one. This part is important and you need to do this because if you not create the alpha channel in the images that you are using that’s elements/images will not be seen in the XMB. In this case we have to create an apha channel for the five images to use. Finally once you create the alpha channel of our images export the images in a DDS format with this settings :
Ok; Now you have the five images it’s time to create the raf. Once you have all the images in DDS format with the alpha channel created you have to put all those files with the raf tools folder or simply drag and drop the XML to raf_compiler where you have all the raf tools. Remember cero spaces in the folder name that contain the materials and tools.
Finally you are ready to compile your project with your raf created and is exactly the same as you do with the compilation of any
SlideShow or Animated theme, so start the process as always you do and in the end you will have something like this :
Lets see if I can do another tutorial the next week
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