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Inspired by GlowBall's Alpha Slideshow, I wanted to automate the Ultra Slideshow creation process as much as I could. I want to make the process easy and accessible to newcomers and veterans alike. I modified Faxtron's SlideShow Plus (Zoom) by eliminating the 'zoom' and adding the random element from GlowBall's Pro SlideShow. I present to you all the...
This is optional, but recommended (and free). You can use Notepad to alter the UltraSlideshow.xml in the THEME folder if you wish.
1. Extract ZIP file into the C: drive (all files should be in a UltraSlideshowLite or UltraSlideshowLiteZoom folder). This package must operate from the C: drive.
2. Prepare your 1920 x 1080 .jpg backgrounds naming them 01, 02, 03, ~ 09, 10, 11, etc.
7 minimum, 15 max.
3. Edit the icons and preview image in the THEME folder.
DO NOT rename any of those files.
If you don't use Photoshop, GIMP, or similar program, use PS3 Theme Builder to make a preview image. Rename preview to preview_1.gim
4. In the THEME folder open the UltraSlideshow.xml with Notepad++. (or Notepad)
Look for the infotable section. Example
Edit the name of the theme and author.
You can change the genre, comment, version, and url if you wish.
Look for color selection="1". Change the number to change the sidebar color.
Look for font selection="0". Change the number to change the font. Examples
5. Double click the .bat file named for the number of images being used.
(You'll have to press ENTER half way through and at the end)
6. Your UltraSlideshow.p3t theme file will be in the P3T folder. That's It!
You can rename the .p3t file for archive purposes if you want
* The 1st background is random. The next backgrounds will display in the order they were named.
* Each background is displayed for 8 seconds (9 seconds in Zoom version). The fade transition is 2 seconds.
* If you use p3textractor.exe to get icons from another theme you can drop them right in the THEME folder and overwrite. The file names are the same.
* When editing the UltraSlideshow.xml you can't use the "&" and "+" symbols. There are probably other symbols you can't use also, so if you run into errors keep that in mind.
* There are a lot of hidden files. DO NOT bother them.
A HUGE "Thank you" to Faxtron and GlowBall.
A special thanks to L-Kabong, mr_foxx, and a few others for helping me test it.
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This may help you...
I keep getting RAF compiler failed.
EDIT: Never mind, I got it working now. It was the raf compiler compatibility problem. I have it working now. Thanks for the tut and the program to make themes.
EDIT 2: Now I try to do it again and it cannot open UltraSlideshow.raf
EDIT 3: Your slideshows don't make my 1920x1080 pictures go edge to edge full. It leaves a little black bar on the right side from top to bottom.
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Hi uLtRaMa6nEt1c,
First of all, thank you for the tutorial.
I tried to follow it step by step and I got stuck below.
End result is that a P3t folder created in my C drive but no theme in it.
I got 15 .jpg images, all edited to 1920 x 1080 (some were 960 x 540 before, I used Paint to 2x those to try)
I didn't edit Preview in Theme folder because I'm new to this, and not using Photoshop or GIMP.
I opened the xml file with Notepad++ and basically just changed the theme name to "testing" on infotable.
As I run the 15 .bat file, I got below:
'jpg2dds.exe' is not recoginozed as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
'raf_compiler.exe'is not recoginozed as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue...
after I press a key, screen flashed quickly and closed quickly
I only caught like "the system cannot....."
Any idea what I did wrong please?
Thanks in advance
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I'm thinking of returning to make themes again and I'm trying to learn this new Ultra slideshow version, but I'm having a little trouble. After I hit enter for the last completion in the command window I try to go to the PST folder, but nothing is in it. Did I put something in the wrong place? I extracted all the files in the zip to C: and followed the instructions here and in the zip.
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Did you rename your jpegs properly? When you "hit enter for the last completion" was that the second time you hit enter? Did you change any file names or delete any icons? Did you make a preview image? Did you use a weird character in the theme's xml like "&" or "#" or something similar? I've never tested this in Windows 7, which I have now, so I'll check it out tomorrow.
I named the images 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, etc... It was the first time I hit enter, but I don't have the opportunity to hit a second time the CMD window just closes after I hit enter. I didn't change or delete just copy my own. I did make a preview image through PS3Theme Builder. I only used "/" for Adult/18. Could having the other Ultra Slideshow files interrupt the Lite process?
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