Hi, you amazing theme creators. i tried my hand at making my own for days with no luck because..well i suck. Anyways i'm here to ask for a simple theme for my group that is planning on playing together on Modern Warfare 3. The group is called "REAPER CREW" and i would greatly appreciate any one of you talented creators to make this for me. I planned on making the "SONS OF ANARCHY" reaper to be our logo, just without the SOA name. So all i ask is for an HD theme with the SOA reaper on a black background that the displays our name in white. But if whoever does take this request wants to let their creativity flow then by all means go ahead. thank you again if whoever does take this!
if you can do this for me that would be great! As for details go....
I really like the icons from this theme...
and the default sound on the XMB would be fine. i have some images you can use but i cant figure out how to post them on here from my folder.
i will send that request to work things out = )
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