360 Killer

Theme by P.Miller (Wilf)

Death to the 360!!!
Download Here

25 thoughts on “360 Killer

  1. I have uploaded Version 2 that now has enhanced backgrounds and icons. (Just waiting for it to be put on this site!)

  2. I’ll get photoshop this weekend & will make an updated version of 360 Killer for Monday or Tuesday.

    I’m also in the middle of creating icons in 3ds max, so expect to see my 3D theme comming soon!

  3. OMG paint!! Yeah get & learn photoshop!! It’d help you so much. I make custom icons for my themes using photoshop. There are guides all over the interwebs. I’m still learning it too but it’s so much better then paint! I agree, a 360 with the RROD would have been better.

  4. TheDude,
    Thats a fair comment, but I never use Photoshop!
    And the way I see it is that so many people would be saying “I’d like to see this done” & I’d have created completely new icons” etc.. So if anyone whants to improve on any theme they can, just extract the .p3t theme & edit away, then just rebuild the theme. Everyone has their own tastes, opinions & ideas. So enjoy the theme, keep the comments coming & I’m off to learn Photoshop! (better uninstall Paint .Net).

  5. Funny, yeah I’ll give it that. But all the guy did was poorly photoshop a wallpaper & re-color the icons. Kinda basic & simple. Not that impressive. I prefer better, cooler, more original icons & could care less about the backgrounds/wallpapers. Seeing once you have a theme, with the icons you like, you can set the wallpaper to what ever you want. Just my 2 cents. Work more on the icons & your photoshoping skills.

  6. hey, one thing you could make a change to, you should make the xbox have the three red lights, or better known as “the red ring of death”. would be much funny

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