Theme by OPTIMUS
Hey mate!
I don’t really know if you’re still somewhere out there, waiting for your theme…
I’m very sorry it took so long, but… aside my health conditions, it’s because I worked hard on it as usual.
I tried to “capture” somehow the magic of the game and… well, I don’t know if I succeeded because I have to say it was nearly impossible to perfectly reproduce its atmosphere, so I tried to do my best and that’s why I decided to interpret everything my own way: so I drew all icons with my hands (pixel by pixel, as always :D) and, in addition to the background you gave me plus the few others I found, there are 3 extra backgrounds that I specifically made for this theme (in the preview image you can see one of them).
So, the theme contains:
-8 HD/SD backgrounds [the one you gave me, the 4 I found (that I slightly modified by adding some little thing here and there), plus the other 3 I created from scratch]
-hand made icons
-no boring sounds
Again, I’m really sorry it took so long, but I hope it was worth it and you’ll like the theme…
Download Here
Nice theme. I would nicer if the moon was heart-shaped.
Wow! This is a very cool theme for me, but… maybe it’ll be better if Sora is not alone.
Great! I’ll be waiting!
Yeah, that B/W theme looks very nice: I can’t wait!
Happy new year, my friend!
i’v uploaded that black and white theme from the preview i showed you before. about time i finished a theme! i had to get this one done because it looks really nice on the ps3 i think. merry xmas everybody, and a happy theme filled new year.
Well, I’m really sorry, mate: unfortunately I don’t make dynamic/animated themes (although I’m working in co-operation with Faxtron to create one, at the moment)…

But you can ask to my friends Faxtron, or GlowBall: I’m sure they will be happy to fulfil your request!
Cheers from Italy!
hey optimus just wondering if you could make a “a perfect circle” (band) dynamic animation theme as i am new here cheers bunge from Australia THE_RINGMAN
Thanks a lot, mate!
(And glad to hear you again! :D)
Happy new year, and great holidays to you too!
Merry xmas OPTIMUS!
@KWAZY32, COMMANDZ and EVERYONE: Well, I spent Christmas into hospital, so I’ve not been able to wish you happy holidays, guys…
But I’ll do it now: Merry Christmas and great holidays to everyone!!!
Uhm… If I told you what’s the movie, then I should kill you… ehm… **cough! cough!** then it wouldn’t be a surprise!
Well, I honestly don’t know how long it will take… as I said, the background’s done and I’ve sent everything to Faxtron. So, while he’s working on animations, I’m now creating the icons (but something simple, because I want the background stands out more than other things): the theme will be probably ready these days, or maybe early next week.
Hey mate! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Thanks Merry Christmas to you and everyone else
Merry Xmas from America!
hmmm nice so when i can see it
is it next week?
& whats the name of the movie?
Thanks alot for your enthusiasm, my friend!
Well, I made everything with my own hands as always (although I obviously had to use some existing images as starting base to create some elements) but I tried to make the background as simple as possible because the animation procedure is quite limited, since it basically allows to create only 2 kinds of animations: high quality/low frame rate, medium-low quality/high frame rate…
Aside this, it all started from the fact that few time ago Faxtron and I were talking about the good old 80’s, and at one point we agreed on the idea of creating a theme as simple tribute to a movie of that period (early 80’s) that we liked a lot. Nothing too complicated, just a simple tribute.
The only problem is that, since many of the guys here are very young, I think very few of them will remember that movie…
Anyway… Faxtron sent me a video preview, so that I can see how it looks and tell him if there’s something to arrange, or correct, etc: as soon as I finished working on icons, the theme will be compiled.
Stay tuned!
wow an animated theme made by u & another guy wowowowowowowow
that is going to be awesome really cant wait now
Ahhh, good old 80’s… I’d really like to go back in time!
Well, I’m working in cooperation with Faxtron for an animated theme based on an 80’s very famous movie (but I don’t know if you’ll remember it…)
I made the background and the elements that will be animated, I gave them to Faxtron and started working on the icons: now, everything’s up to Faxtron… I don’t know how much time he will need to complete the animations.
Stay tuned, mate!
80′s style surprise is coming!
oooo i loved the 80’s i rememner once in 1982 my frien…….. o_O wait heh lol i forgot i was born in 1988 lol
cant wait for the surprise OPTIMUS
Heeeey friend! So glad to hear you again!!!
Thumbs up to you too, mate, and… try to stay tuned: a 80’s style surprise is coming!
hey man long time no c
how r u? im so happy that i saw u again
I’m still around, ninja like in the shadows!! Actually this site got real bad on my PS3’s web browser, so I haven’t been around much. I have not downloaded a theme in months!!!! OMG!!
Just got my laptop back up & running so I might be around more? If not take care guys & continue to to what you do!! Happy new year & all that other shit!! 80’s style thumbs up to all!!
wow those themes yogosan working on r awesome.
but its sad that all the guys just vanished
i wonder if they’ll come back, its cold dark & lonley without them:(
i dont like cold
Well, it could be better, but I’m fine, so… let’s say everything’s ok, for now. Thanks, mate!
– As for the others, I don’t really know: few time ago, F-Rott said his laptop fell and broke, and he couldn’t recover the material for the Zelda theme he was working on. But then, nothing…
– If you take a look right here, few comments below, Yogosan gave me some links for the previews of something he’s working on. But then, nothing…
– Doom, Penningstoned, and all the others… again, I don’t really know: looks like they’re all vanished!
thanks man
so how r u , i hope ur in good health
& where r the other guys , doom, yogosan, sentail, i forget the rest r they still here
Oh man… I’m so sorry, mate!
It’s practically the same thing happened to me about one year ago, when I had to leave this site (don’t know if you remember)… I had the eviction and I’ve been fired: after a while I’ve been able to find a new home, but I’m still searching for a new job. This damn crisis is striking hard everywhere!
Plus, I started having the health problems you already know, so it’s now almost impossible for me to find a job, and I’m also running out of money for the expensive cure I have to do…
I perfectly understand your situation, mate, and I’m really sorry!
Cheer up, my friend!!!
lool u really got me i thought u have forgtten me lol
hmmm its along story
but i wont tell u the details
here it is 3 months ago a crysis bom fell on me & i lost everything i had my job my money & lots of other things i tryed to get up on my feet & walk again but it was too hard i couldnt do it my self i called for help & my friends & my family came to help me, its not over yet im still recovering for it
im still jobless thats it
Uhm… yeah, I seem to remember someone called like you, but… maybe my brain’s deceiving me…
(I’m just kidding, of course :D)
Thanks a lot!
BTW: where have you been, my friend??? O_o
o yea before i forget as alaways perfect theme OPTIMUS
HI everyone im back & i hope u all remember me espacily OPTIMUS
Heeey friend! Welcome back! (and thanks a lot!)
Yeah! I knew you were cooking something special! 8)
And it really seems they will be great themes, as always! (the first one looks awesome)
But now that you made me enjoy their taste, the “compulsory” question is… When do you think to upload those themes???
Oh man… why did you change your logo?!?
Don’t get me wrong, but… I think the previous one was really cool and stylish…
very nice looking theme. hopefully i’ll get some of this finished soon. static themes FTW!
Ok, mate: I’ll be waiting for your backgrounds!
(but I have to finish something else before starting this new theme)
LOL! Practically, I seem to understand you don’t like all the backgrounds, except those 3 with the starry sky/moon and the keyblade one I made…
But I cannot blame you: looking again at those white backgrounds, actually I have to admit I don’t like them too. Unfortunately, they were already like that and there was no way to do something different, so I could only add the rounded decorations and the black bars to make the text readable…
So: 4 out of 8 = 50% (-2% for each frame) = 44%

Oh well, I think it’s a good percentage, after all…
(Don’t worry, Im just kidding :P)
@XRINZLERX: Thanks, mate: I’ll try to do my best!
I think I already have an idea on how to make it… as soon as I finished the other stuff I’m working on, I’ll start your theme: you just need to be patient and stay tuned…
oh ok man thats fine take as long as you need. I’m just glad you are still making it. ther are not any good Daft Punk themes around, and i see how you make your themes so good so i know you will do a good job
Hey man don’t sweat it. I’m just really picky that’s all lol. I’m gonna post all my wallpapers tomorrow and this time one at a time. Like i said i really like it, but just a few things i didn’t. Like frame around the wallpapers. All the wallpapers besides the Halloween town and the one with sora, riku, kairi, goofy and donald are the only wallpapers i didn’t really like. The custom wallpapers you made with the moon are beautiful. I love what you did with the keyblade wallpaper it really shines.
Oh man… really? Well, as I said in the description, I had to “interprete” the theme my own way: actually, I was tempted to make a very simple theme, but then I thought that a small decoration would have been nice, just to enrich the backgrounds a little more… I’m sooo sorry!
Maybe, I could try making another version without the frames…
As for the backgrounds you tried to give me… I don’t really know, mate: probably there was something wrong in the links, or they were too many at once, or something like that.
Maybe you could try to link just 1 or 2 of them per comment. I mean: if they’re 10 for example, then you could comment 5 times with 2 links in each comment (or even 10 times with 1 link)… So, I could create another theme using the same icons, but with your favourite backgrounds
@XRINZLERX: No problem, mate! As I said to everyone who knows about my problems, I’ll keep making themes as long as I can: the only thing is I need more time than before, and maybe their quality could be worse than usual…

But making themes for all of you it’s always a pleasure!
oh i’m sorry man if i knew you had health problems i wouldn’t of brought it up, but it’s good to see that you are still willing to make it.
Thanks alot.
Hi, bro! And welcome!
Well… making themes is not so difficult (provided you’re familiar with graphic programs) but I obviously don’t know what prevents you from making them.

So, back to your request… sure mate, I will! The only thing is I have to finish something else first, and then I have to start working on the Daft Punk theme requested by XRinzlerX right here.
Also, I’m no longer able to work fast as before: because of my health problems, even if I keep doing my best, unfortunately I’m no more the same OPTIMUS that everybody knew
So… I only ask you to be patient and wait for a while: your theme will be here as soon as possible
hi optimus im new to this site and i was wondering if u cld make me a hd rihanna with red hair theme cus i cant do it myself at the moment
Hi, mate!
Well, honestly I don’t really remember… but it’s surely because of my damn brain, which is going literally adrift day by day due to my health problems: think that I’m not even sure if we know each other (but your name sounds familiar)…
Oh well, it doesn’t matter: if you say you asked for a Daft Punk theme, then a Duft Punk theme you’ll get!
I just have to finish something else first (hoping I’ll not forget it too) so… stay tuned!
Well i guess the only thing i’m not a big fan of is the frame around the wallpapers, and the fact that i couldn’t get the wallpapers i had to you. I have some really could wallpapers that would look great with the theme but every time i post the links it doesn’t work
hello OPTIMUS. i dont know if you remember but I requested a Daft Punk theme a while back and i was just checking, since i havent been on this site in a while, if you made it already or if you are still making it. if you are not going to make it thats more than fine. thanks
Hey, mate… here you are!
LOL! I was starting to think that you were tired of waiting…
Oh man… I’m so sorry: don’t know why this theme means a lot to you, but if you had told me this thing before, I would have tried to make it in less time…
Glad to know you like it!
Anyway… are you 100% sure? I mean, if there’s something you don’t like, feel free to tell me! (don’t know, maybe the “white” backgrounds, some icons, or something else…)
A stranger? Hey, I thought we were friends, by now…
Sorry for taking so long to comment on the theme OPTIMUS. Well its finally done and i have to say it was worth the wait
The icons and custom wallpapers are beautiful and the theme means a lot to me. It’s amazing what a complete stranger will do for you lol.
Uh, I didn’t think it would have been uploaded so soon… O_o
Yep, I spent a lot of time to make those icons: I always try to do my best as usual, but when it comes to requested themes I try to do even more than my best… Thanks alot for your appreciation, mate!
But I’m sad, because… it seems the friend who requested this theme is not here anymore…
Well, actually I’m wondering where are all my other friends: Yogosan, F-Rott, Doom, Penningstoned, Freakgamer, Jamesr631, TheNextProdigy, and all the others… looks like they’re all vanished
Nice theme OPTIMUS…And those exelent icons like always. To many hours on that icons and the final result are beatiful.