Theme by Laughingman1800
An Armored Core theme dedicated to all the Nine-Ball fans out there. Faxtron, CheMansur thanks for the brilliant icons your both amazing artists when it comes to theme building.. this theme has several different backgrounds and I hope you enjoy!!! And again Im still a N00B
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Correction, 4 to 5 HD Backgrounds, SD Unknown, & the Wallpapers are just so so… Oky, not worthy of Nine Ball,
Needs more, I was Hoping for like 10 to 15, but they need to jump out, & say i’m Nine Ball, cause yur Wallpaper doesn’t really give the Impression that 9 Ball is who they are…
You got a Red AC with black joints, which is 9 Ball, but the wallpaper doesn’t really jump out at you… Their kinda dull, & boring…
As you said your still a Noob, so I suppose your still getting better… I’d love to see an Updated Theme of this, if possible… No?
Honestly, I am glad someone finally did a 9 Ball Theme for Armored Core…
But honestly… Even though the Icons are perfect for the Theme, I probably would not have chosen Blue ones, if I had the choice…
I’d go with something a little more Robotic like, or maybe the Color Yellow to symbolize the 9 Ball in Billiards, I dunno…
Anyways, 9 Ball was the coolest Boss in Armored Core, up till Armored Core 4, that is… I dunno about 2: Another Age, & didn’t care for Part 3…
Hope to see more AC Themes soon, keep ’em commin, their Great Games, & I like playing them, just too bad there aren’t any good ones out there, first one that was decently made, so I thank you for making it, =D
Downloading now, xD!