Assassin’s 3 Theme

Theme by nickthatch12

6 different wallpapers (non-dynamic) for the Oct. 30, 2012 release Assassin’s Creed 3. Icons credited to Darth Black. Wallpapers credited to various websites reached through Google images.
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5 thoughts on “Assassin’s 3 Theme

  1. I hope I can apply this one. I downloaded a different AC3 theme but nothing showed up.

  2. the best theme ive already seen for ps3.

    i would like to see other themes made for you here in


  3. Nice pictures for the wallpaper, and the icoms match them all to. But as the other guy says I cant see who gets online, maybe if the top right corner was shaded in or something I will be able to read who exactly gets online. Great theme!

  4. I LOVE IT, but… when my friends come online I can’t read who is online. White and white don’t mix.

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