Theme by Faxtron
Assassins Creed 3 Animated with custom icons and sounds. The custom sounds are extracted from a theme created by “Suikale”.
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by Faxtron
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Thanks guys. Uploaded a new one for Darksiders 2 create it with the clasic way… yes back to the old days only this time
I made another version to in PSS for those who don’t like the dymanics. BTW : Those themes are requested by rik.
Yeah not a fan of AC but this is great man! +1 keep it up!
From the preview I couldn’t tell what was going on. I finally got to download it on PS3. This is cool. I like what you did. Not a fan of the sounds though. +1
@OPTIMUS Thanks mate
@FAXTRON: Oh man… you did another great job, my friend!
And you obviously deserve a BIG +1!
(BTW, I didn’t see the “Moon” theme yet
But now I saw it, I can safely say that you deserve another big +1! :D)
Wow, This is a Grand theme, you really do have an ability in making themes.
Another superb theme Fax!
excited for the DS2 theme
5 Stars
@That guy Thanks, this theme was created with a new crazy idea, nice to know that you like it.
and awesome dude