Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c
Bayonetta is back and kicking some angelic butt the best way she knows how – with style.
Bayonetta Multi-Dynamic Theme:
*most resources from japanese Bayonetta website.
*2 sounds from the same site (optionmenu & system_ok).
*custom icons made to resemble the logo’s style.
Download Here
How does this get a negative mark.This theme looks professionally done.Fantastic Job on this.
@mrj qqq – WOW thanks again bro. I really appreciate it.
This just takes the cake Dynamic uLtRa Platnum Ttrofy earned and justly awarded…..Gold……Faxtron still has the hands in the circle that folded in for TOOL!!
Thumbs up again uLtRa this is Beyond and all its million+ hits.
Still haven’t made up my mind on Bronze yet so for Dynamic these are my two votes since I can no longer voite
Thanks again to everyone
Holy smoking Joe Robinson!!!! FANTASTIC!!! +1
Uh… I was so caught by the theme that I didn’t even notice the -1 when I voted!
Uhm, all plausible hypothesis… or maybe the one who gave -1 just didn’t like the game, lol!
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c great there up… +1 for both .. really top quality work
@Everyone, Thank you very much. I didn’t expect this level of appreciation from all of you. That makes making themes that much more fulfilling. I really do appreciate it.
To everyone who likes this theme, thank Fran. if it wasn’t for her requesting this for so long this may never have been made.
this game is the S**T great theme keep up the good work
all bc I suggested it to him
ty for taking ur the best time to make these
i told u u were gunna make us bayonetta fans proud *wink* 
hmmmmmm………………… lisa’s seal of approval
Maybe the guy accidentally thumbed down the theme, I do that all the time with youtube vids.
Excellent theme, uLtRaMa6nEt1c!
This theme…….left me speechless and with tears in my eyes T_T Great job!! +1
I also agree with everyone here, who gave this theme a -1? man I would give it another +1 if I could!!!
XD Awesome masterpiece dude, keep it up.
Finally Thank You
Epic theme! awesome def. +1 !!
who the f#@k gave this a -1??? fkn idiots don’t know $#!t
+1 From me….This theme looks so profecional. BTW : This themes are better than themes are in the PS Store right now in my opinion. You know the ps store need a free section to put there themes like this
You are creating very cool themes. Thanks man for sharing those themes with us 
@ULTRAMA6NET1C: Hoooly $**t!!! Spectacular Bayonetta themes, mate!
(Are you sure you’re human??? :D)
I guess everybody has their own opinion, but the least they can do is tell the creator why. Me personally i give this this theme a +1
-1 are you serious what retard did that, +1 from me great work.