Bayonetta HD

Theme by BigBossPatriot

A theme with 11 HD and SD backgrounds of the beautiful and wonderful game Bayonetta.

Please enjoy.

Author: BigBossPatriot
Download Here

16 thoughts on “Bayonetta HD

  1. ahhhh good luck wth that one ur working on 🙂 and ty for taking so meny requests from us 😀

    whats ur name on psn then ? 🙂

  2. @Fran – I think I did a good job with LPC, so I’ma go for the ‘surprise’ option. If I can’t find interesting high quality images to work with I’ll use your suggestions. I’m working on a theme right now that’s gonna take a while to animate. After that…Bayonetta Dynamic Theme.
    Add me on PSN

  3. awww thanks 😀 i know what u mean 🙂

    or u could take the part from the old trailer wear shes spinning and shooting for one dynamic theme 🙂 then theres a way to just do the smoke billowing sequence only wth just the bullets on the floor not moving at the end of the new trailer. 🙂

    if not those, surprise us 😀 *winks*

  4. @Fran – That animation wouldn’t be seemless though, unless the bullets bounce forever and that wouldn’t look right.
    Now that Bayonetta 2 is on the way there will be more source material for me to work with. I’ll cook up something high quality. It’ll be a while, so hopefully the wait isn’t a problem.

  5. uLtRaMa6nEt1c u saw the trailer for bayonetta 2 right ?:)

    do a dynamic theme wth her boot stomping wth the bullets bouncing only. 🙂 from the old bayonetta trailer and one from the new 😀

  6. i told u bayonetta 2 wasnt gone from the earth 😀 but its on the GOD DAMN WIIU!!! :<

    uLtRaMa6nEt1c i cant pm u here as a guest, sowwie

  7. u should change the title name on the theme list bc its saying ‘HEAVY rain theme’ all the time when its bayonetta 🙂

  8. uh no one said they gave up on the sequel . 😀

    thank u for supporting us bayonetta fans 🙂

    no we just need a decent dy themes 😀

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