Theme by OPTIMUS
Hey, mate!
Well, I don’t know if you’re still out there after all this time (I didn’t hear you anymore)…
Anyway, here is the theme you’ve asked, made with the background you gave me: hope you’ll like it!
-1 HD/SD background
-handmade icons
-no boring sounds
Download Here
Well, actually I’m about to buy Rage, but… yeah, although I still think a game like that is very frustrating :P, I really like medieval RPGs, so… yep, I could even try it, why not?
hah man 200 is nothing in demon’s souls i died thousds of times , in demon’s souls & dark souls death is in every corner any thing can kill u , maybe u should try it
Lol! Well, the fact that I could never keep playing a game after I died about 200 times O_O
But maybe, the crazy is me…
heh & what make u say that ,
Loool! Oh man, now I know: you’re absolutely crazy!

ooooo yea after a few days of playing DARK SOULS ,
i started to get strong weapons , magic & other good stuff , but still at some aeras in the game there r enemies really very strong & they can kill u with 1 hit.
the game is still not realsed in Europe & america so
i got to kill all enemies alone witch makes even harder
but after dieing soooooooooo many times in 1 area & i finally get past it………. it just feel so good i cant tell u how many times i died in dark souls but by now i think it reach 200 times, man i really love this game
Uhm, that’s weird…
In this case, I think you should talk to the site owner by using the “Contact” form, explain the fact and see what can be done.
Yep, I know! And I don’t really understand the reason why they keep making this game so hard. O_O
I mean… sure, a game should be quite challenging, but a game where you can die 2 out of 3 times every 5 minutes is simply frustrating (and I think you’re a bit masochist… :P)
Just yesterday I was reading about the game, and looks like this time there’s not even a real plot: this way, everything is much confused…
Also, they implemented something called “Humanity” that increases by defeating enemies etc, and can be spent in a kind of checkpoint called “Bonfire” in order to refill the stamina bar or regain Est or stuff like that, but… every time you use those checkpoints, all the enemies defeated will be respawned! Oh man, that’s absolutely crazy!!! O_o
Oh well, I think the only thing I can tell you is… GOOD LUCK, my friend!
oops forgot to sign in before i posted
oh sorry about the forum thing… i acctually can fing my post( im a noob) and i already tried to upload it like 3 times already
yea i was but i couldn’t do it because of some problems,
so i stopped,
yup i was lucky & i got DARK SOULS , maaaan u know when the developers sayed its going to be harder than demon’s souls they weren’t kidding its 10 times harder than demon’s souls , u cant play 5 mins without dieing 2 to 3 times X_X
Uh, I don’t really know, mate: the theme has been uploaded five days ago… O_o
So, the time has come for you to play DS, huh?
Hey, maybe I’m wrong, but… didn’t you say you were working on your personal Dark Souls theme???
wow how did i miss this theme, nice work man as always.
so how r u , r u ok & hws life ?
will the moment i’ve been waiting for is almost here, i might get DARK SOULS today if im lucky, its just too bad that my fav DARK SOULS theme maker (sentiel) is gone for unknown amount of time, i just wish he’ll come back soon & amaze me with his awesome DARK SOULS themes
Thanks, mate!
Well, then… stay tuned!
Thanks a lot!
Well, I don’t really know, mate… but I thought you had checked the replies to your topic in the forum: there, I told you that probably you uploaded the theme when the approval time was 2 weeks, and maybe something went wrong. So you should try to upload it again.
I’m really curious to see your theme!
Well, I’m reeeally sorry, mate, but… I’m an “old school themer” and I don’t make dynamic stuff

Anyway, there are good themers like GlowBall, Faxtron and others: they surely could make it for you
Ok man good luck, cant wait to see it. Again please take your time there’s no rush. Thanks again
nice… as always of course… how do you get themes out so quickly, mine just dont ever upload
Hey, just wondering if you could make a dynamic bf theme or one with more backgrounds?
Ok, mate, I just saved this wallpaper!
So, we now have about 6 backgrounds for your theme: this one, plus the 5 others I found
And, also, I just had an idea for the icons…
LOL your right it is the same image, my bad lmao.
Ya i’m not trying to rush you or anything i’m just trying to give you many options. Please take your time. Thanks again. I want this wallpaper in there for sure
Yeah, good wallpaper, but… if you look better, it’s the same I used as second background for my theme: they only edited it with some effect…
Ehm… yep, I don’t see any KH link… O_o
Anyway, there’s still time for your theme, mate: as I told you last time, I still have to make some other requested themes…
I don’t understand i left the links in seperate comments that i posted earlier and they disappeared?
Well here are the links to the best wallpapers i could find for the kh theme. I would like the one with the realistic keyblade in there for sure, but they don’t all have to be in there. Hope this helps
I found a MGS Rising wallpaper i think you might want to look at that you may of missed, its really sweet here’s the link×1080.jpg
But… that’s weird, I uploaded 2 versions of this theme: this is just the first one, in which I used the “military camouflage” icons I made time ago for the Homefront theme O_o
Oh well, then… I’ll reupload the second version
Thanks, mate!
And I’ll be waiting for your theme!
Thanks, you’re too kind!
Well, if you mean how’s my health… uhm, let’s say it could be worse: the degenerative process keeps going on, but the cure I’m doing is slowing it down a bit.
So, I’m fine for now… thanks a lot, mate!
Nice m8 im working on a dynamic theme at the mo but having a bit of trouble lol. Hopefully get it done soon.
nice theme optimus, you are the icon king. gotta ask, how are you doing?