Black Ops II Multiplayer Maps

Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand

Black Ops II Multiplayer Maps
15 Backgrounds
Full Custom Icons
5 Custom Sounds from the game
Download Here

22 thoughts on “Black Ops II Multiplayer Maps

  1. Faxtron:



    Good theme like always +1 This would be cool in a Alpha Slideshow.
    Feel free to use my files and do it, if you want. I can even send you my PSDs if you want. I gave up on doing Dynamic themes pretty much right when they started coming out. Static’s my thing, because you can still add sounds.

    Thanks my friend, I will be doing it for my personal use only.

    Send me a copy if you could! I’d enjoy it too!

  2. F-Rott:


    Good theme like always +1 This would be cool in a Alpha Slideshow.

    Feel free to use my files and do it, if you want. I can even send you my PSDs if you want. I gave up on doing Dynamic themes pretty much right when they started coming out. Static’s my thing, because you can still add sounds.

    Thanks my friend, I will be doing it for my personal use only.

  3. @F-Rott
    You can still add sounds to dynamic/animated themes if your using GlowBall’s or Faxtron’s methods.
    I like to make sounds for ‘optionmenu’ and ‘system_ok’ because those sounds are less obnoxious.

  4. Faxtron:

    Good theme like always +1 This would be cool in a Alpha Slideshow.

    Feel free to use my files and do it, if you want. I can even send you my PSDs if you want. I gave up on doing Dynamic themes pretty much right when they started coming out. Static’s my thing, because you can still add sounds.

  5. Thanks everyone. I whipped this up real quick because my oldest son and I have been playing this recently. It’s the best CoD Multiplayer I’ve played in a little while!

  6. @F-Rott: Hey Dennis! Really glad to see another theme from you, my friend! 😀
    Good job, +1!

  7. @ DavyPerfection;

    Your pics are too big . An HD pic can’t be more thqn 1MB or 1024 KB . Shink their sizes then they will show up.


  8. SMS. Save my soul the other ones don’t matter. … Please? U C i’ve been using the theme builder for a very long time and when I mean very long time I mean a few weeks. 6 weeks 6! ^_^ Anyways I’ve had a problem every time I put the background for my theme ONLY THE SD ONES WORK! How to fix? Please respond

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