Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Black Ops II Multiplayer Maps
15 Backgrounds
Full Custom Icons
5 Custom Sounds from the game
Download Here
15 Backgrounds
Full Custom Icons
5 Custom Sounds from the game
Download Here
#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Great looking theme and one of my favorite maps too!!!
Thx fo the theme
Ok here is the alpha version of this theme for anyone interested :
Thanks to Glowball for the tutorial and the tools used to create it.
That’s a great version, Faxtron! You can go ahead and release it or whatever you want to do! I don’t mind.
Great Theme! +1
Ok I send you a PM with it now
not bad, its good. here is ur like!
Send me a copy if you could! I’d enjoy it too!
= ) (Y) Awesome theme as allways
Thanks my friend, I will be doing it for my personal use only.
You can still add sounds to dynamic/animated themes if your using GlowBall’s or Faxtron’s methods.
I like to make sounds for ‘optionmenu’ and ‘system_ok’ because those sounds are less obnoxious.
Feel free to use my files and do it, if you want. I can even send you my PSDs if you want. I gave up on doing Dynamic themes pretty much right when they started coming out. Static’s my thing, because you can still add sounds.
Thanks everyone. I whipped this up real quick because my oldest son and I have been playing this recently. It’s the best CoD Multiplayer I’ve played in a little while!
@F-Rott: Hey Dennis! Really glad to see another theme from you, my friend!
Good job, +1!
this site will help you set the file size
@ DavyPerfection;
Your pics are too big . An HD pic can’t be more thqn 1MB or 1024 KB . Shink their sizes then they will show up.
Post those type of questions in the forum. You can even search the forum. Maybe your answers are already there.
SMS. Save my soul the other ones don’t matter. … Please? U C i’ve been using the theme builder for a very long time and when I mean very long time I mean a few weeks. 6 weeks 6! ^_^ Anyways I’ve had a problem every time I put the background for my theme ONLY THE SD ONES WORK! How to fix? Please respond
hey I need help about build theme. can anyone help me??
Good theme like always +1 This would be cool in a Alpha Slideshow.
Oops! I was logged in as my son, lol
That’s pretty cool. Nice idea +1