Blanc Pro

Theme by HollowBattousai

A theme for Blanc from Hyperdimension Neptunia, Enjoy 😀
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6 thoughts on “Blanc Pro

  1. in celebration for the anime adaptation! My favorite character is compa! she’s so moe! >_<

  2. lol, or so I would like.
    I don’t think any of my FPS addict “hardcore gamer” friends would be too impressed if I bragged to them saying I beated a bonus boss for a game as feminine as this, let alone without being made fun of. 🙁

    Sometimes, a private victory is satisfactory.

  3. o_o

    I’m starting to think my request for a HDN theme would’ve been answered by you anyway even if I didn’t asked.
    Thank you for making a theme based solely on one of my top favorite characters. (b^^)b

    Still waiting (im)patiently for the DLC characters. Europe already has them released. (¬_¬)
    Oh, and regarding the “Get the treasure!!” DLC dungeon, don’t even attempt it man. I actually cleared it, and your reward is nothing but a cutscence. In fact, just avoid all three DLC dungeons. It’s needless grinding with no worthwhile award other than bragging rights.

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