BlazBlue: Litchi Faye Ling

Theme by ShadowSkilz

Ok I’m so proud of this one! 16 HD wallpapers with sliding bars ( inspired by the themes from Mike12888 I gotta admit ).

Litchi icons by me and I also added sounds from the game!
Download Here

14 thoughts on “BlazBlue: Litchi Faye Ling

  1. Well, it’s a good program: I know that a lot of people use it, but I think there’s something wrong, because time ago many of them asked me how to convert and save icons in 8/16 bit format… O_o
    That’s weird!

  2. Thanks a lot! :$ I can’t really spend so many times at my themes but I do want to get better and make better things…

    I’ll keep you in touch and probably need your help xD

    Thanks again homie!

  3. Well, at the beginning it may seem complicated, but I can assure you that it isn’t.
    Just a little practice and patience are needed, but then everything goes by itself.
    You’ll be able to acquire new techniques, or experiment new styles and improve your work (already good)…
    PhotoFiltre is too limited to do that: transparencies are just an example, and I don’t even know how you managed to save the icons in PNG format preserving the transparency (considering that the program is not able to maintain a decent alpha channel in indexed color mode)… 🙁
    I can see your artistic sense and you already have good skills, so the only thing you need is to “unleash and expand” them 😀

  4. Oh I know that! I’ve tried once but I gave it up xD
    I’ll take a better look then!

  5. Yep, I also have it…
    Well, it’s not a bad program, after all, however it’s really bad for icons… 😛

    Ok, listen: to make my handmade icons, I use Real World Paint.COM.
    As I said to everyone I helped in making icons, it’s a really good program: it has a lot of professional features like transparencies (REAL alpha channel in max color support), lighting effects (with directional source), perspective transformations and so on.
    You can go see some of my themes to get an idea of what can be done with it: for example Scrubs, or Resident Tribute (in which the eyes looks real)…
    Obviously, at the beginning you’ll need a bit of practice to understand how it works and its various options, but then, as I always say, the only limit will be the imagination 😀

    Oh, I almost forgot: IT’S FREE!
    Give it a try and let me know! 😀

  6. Oh thanks a lot! But my bigger problem is the icons…

    I use photofiltre ( cheap and simple ) but it makes bad
    transparency for icons… I don’t know what you guys are using, if anybodt got a tip…

  7. ShadowSkilz:

    but damn I gave my best to do this theme! That was a pain in the @ss

    That’s what distinguishes a theme maker that is committed from another who merely recycle icons…
    I can see your good work!

  8. Yo Mike thanks man, coming from you it’s like an honnor. I’m not a pro like you guys but damn I gave my best to do this theme! That was a pain in the @ss 😀

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