Well you are really lucky, and I hope you know it. The game became really rare (especially in pal) just like Tombi, if you can find it, you gotta pay the price!!!
Don’t mention it! I like your works!
Yep, Kaze No Kuronoa! I still have the original on my PS1.
I really love that game: it’s so… magical and dreamy that I’d be a fool if I had not it…
That’s another game of which I’d really like to see a remake.
Oh man thanks thanks a lot!!!
Well Klonoa me and my girlfriend, we love him. But It’s just like many games, like Spyro, Croc, Crash… The first one, the original, will always be the best!!!
So, there’s no problem: I can safely wait…
And don’t worry, my dear friend “otaku since 1986” (damn if I like it! :D): I already downloaded some stuff like Klonoa (I love that game!) or Tiffany (YUM! YUM! :P)…
Ok thanks.
Upload it now instead of us publishing your first submission and then updating it. Less work.
You’re gonna have to download it on deviant art anyway, cause i just noticed that I made a mistake using the hinata icons two times…
I’m gonna have to update the theme as soon as it’s here.
But it’s already done on deviant art so… Please go and get it >.<
I'll search for that game.
Baaah! Damn Windows 7!!!
What a pity… That game’s really good…
Well, I still have my PS1 perfectly working, so I can play it.
Mmm… let me see… Yes, you could try search it on “emuasylum.com”: they have a lot of stuff.
However, as I told you before, the SNES version is just a horizontal scrolling fighting game and the N64 version is a normal fighting game but with super deformed characters: the PS1 version is the best (IMHO) so try search on the site I just mentioned…
(BTW: the game is also known as Flying Dragon, but I think the only version for PS1 is the japanese one – i.e. Virtual Hiryu No Ken)
As for your theme: too easy… I prefer to “taste” the waiting
I’ve just posted the theme, you can wait OR you can download it on my deviant page
There’s no way to find this game on emulator. Not for the PS1 I mean. I think I’ve seen it on snes but I can’t get the snes emulator working on my windows 7…
You’ve read my mind!!!
Just the other day I was thinking to ask you to make another one… You know, I still have the Rival Schools theme you uploaded months ago: the backgrounds are wonderful, but I have to say that those icons don’t match at all with the rest of the theme (also considering they were made by F-Rott for the Socom theme…)
Gooooood! I’ll wait for it!
Hey, have you found Virtual Hiryu No Ken…?
Oh by the way man… I almost finished a Rival Schools theme (better than the other one)…
The backgrounds will be those loading screens you can see. With sounds from the game I can’ t wait to finish this…
Well, you have to place Shoma as I told you, but… maybe I forgot to say that you also need to tap on the d-pad very rapidly so that he moves only few millimeters, still remaining in the center. Then, be absolutely sure to hit the ball as soon as you see its shadow on the base and not when it’s passing on it.
It’s just a matter of timing and, as I said, you can still find new positions (but they must always be as close as possible to the center, otherwise the ball will never go over 100m…)
Come on, I know you can do it!
Virtual Hiryu No Ken was a horizontal scrolling fighting game (if I remember correctly) for SNES, then it became a fighting game with super deformed style characters on N64… then it was finally ported on PS1 (which is the version I’m talking about)
Apparently, it seemed a standard fighting game, but it had a fundamental peculiarity: the only way to win a match was to discover the weak point of every opponent. This made each fight very technical because it was necessary to use different strategies for every opponent.
In addition, it was a quite hard game because the AI of the opponents was well developed so that they also were able to find and attack your weak point: useless to say how exciting every match was…!
I really liked that game.
oh yeah btw great theme
there are 2 games for the sf tekken crossover being made sf x tekken and tekken x sf so if your a tekken fan get the 2nd version that way you can sidestep the bs fireballs lol
I tried what you said, and I only do 95 or 98 throws
Must be because of the pal version, but the start button tip works, it cuts the music.
Never heard about the game but when I’ve checked some videos it reminds me something, especially the characters, i’ll try to find it and play it on an emulator.
LOL!!! Yeah, bro, that’s for sure! Especially because I was a race car driver and I’m a great racing games fan, so… I play much better with those games rather than the fighting ones (that I really like, anyway…)
And tell me… have you ever played VIRTUAL HIRYU NO KEN?
Man thanks for all the details… I’ll try as soon as possible then keep you in touch.
The only problem with rival schools is that you can’t play online I’d love to kick your a$$ lmao.
Sorry, no visual effect: the only things on which you can rely are your eyes and your ears…
But listen: although it doesn’t seem, the game considers several parameters.
They are: player’s position, ball speed, angle/rotation of the baseball bat, point of impact and force of impact.
Unfortunately, the only directly controllable parameter is the position, while the others are almost completely indipendent.
BUUUT… I said “almost”, and now I explain you why.
Excluding the ball speed which is totally indipendent, the other parameters can be indirectly affected by the player’s position (that’s why it’s so important) which can alter direction and height of the ball, also according to the timing with which it is struck.
I suppose you’ve certainly noticed how the ball may go right, left, middle and even very high or very low: that’s because those parameters are in some way related to the player’s position and also the timing with which he strikes the ball.
Ok… Although it may seem a paradox, to gain a high number of meters, the goal is to make the ball travels the shortest possible distance between the player and the back wall of the stadium.
In other words, you need to hit the ball so that it goes toward the score display positioned in the center: to do so, you have to place Shoma as I told you (2 little taps right, 1 little tap up on the d-pad) and you need to strike the ball just when you see its shadow passing on the base.
Then, everything’s up to you, in the meaning that you can still find new positions (but remember that the timing must always be perfect, though…)
Well, I spent years studying these parameters and how they were related to the player’s actions, but believe me when I say that sometimes it’s difficult (especially when the ball comes over you at 140Km/h like a missile) but NOT IMPOSSIBLE…
Oh man 151 O_o I’ll try that and tell you soon. Is there a visual effect too when you’re doing such a good throw? You know…Like the wave its doing during his burning vigor attack?
Well… usually, I don’t like “mixtures” between two different kinds of fighting game, but I also have to admit that it seems to me a quite interesting experiment (maybe just because I’m really curious to see how the hell they will manage to adapt so different fighting styles… :P)
Then, who knows…?
Oh man, you will hate me for this but… my best throw has been 151m: when you hit the ball very good, you can clearly hear the different noise made by the baseball bat.
A little cheat (but I don’t know if it works with the pal version). Try to do a short throw and when the ball hits the ground, press start immediately: this way, the game won’t pause, but the volume will remain low as if the game was paused so that you can hear the sound of the baseball bat more clearly.
Ah man don’t tell me… But to me it’s a bad idea, that’s too much different games, two different gameplays they can’t mix together… But we both now that, it’s just gonna be some tekken character’s skins in a street fighter, that’s all.
That’s something I don’t wanna hear about. If Namco is gonna be Capcom’s b!tch I don’t mind but I’ll never play that game…
Anyway I wanted to ask you, what is the best throw you can perform in Shoma’s game? 140m?
EUREKA! Finally someone who knows it!
Hahaha! Yeah, the red-haired Ryu was really ugly!
Well, actually the whole game was really ugly:
the only selectable character was Ryu and the game had no end, because it made you fight endlessly always against the same (and very few) opponents… But hey, what times!
The only real evolution/revolution has been switching from the first Street Fighter to the second…
As for Tekken… well, I like the characters and the game itself, but… I don’t know… maybe I was expecting something really innovative, and the story (as you said) is boring by now.
In other words, the game gave me the strong impression that Namco had run out of ideas.
I think that’s why they decided to make Tekken X Street Fighter…
But yeah I do remember the first one! with red-haired Ryu lmao the bonus stages were so cool!
So you’re a tekken fan too? :p What’s wrong with tekken 6? I love it, I’ve heard a lot of people complaining about the way it turned but I think it’s gettin more and more fun. I love the new characters, Lily, Alisa…
The only thing I must say is that, the story is always and only about the mishima family, and it’s annoing and boring as hell… Heihachi was the boss, then it was Kazuya but now Jin so they’re tryin to get the power back… Blablablah Booooooooring
No, no… actually I was talking about STREET FIGHTER 1, not the 2nd… it’s really rare. Everybody knows the Street Fighter series only from the second game: maybe nobody ever saw the first game for real.
Anyway, you’re perfectly right: Street Fighter has never evolved. I think that’s because it was born in the “old school days” and over time has continued to follow that philosophy, also keeping up its bidimentional identity.
Instead, Tekken (which I’m a great fan, too) was born in the 3D era, and the advent of the 3rd dimension has ensured it was already designed with a deep and rewarding gameplay from the beginning: this way, it has been able to evolve itself as we well know.
(But I have to say that the last Tekken didn’t convince me at all: its “evolution” has stopped, I’m afraid…)
And yeah, you’re right again: I don’t play online, but I remember the good old days spent in the arcade or at home with friends… everybody has always preferred characters like Ryu, Ken and similar because easier to use than others requiring more technical level like Chun-Li, for example (which I also preferred many times)…
Hey, cheer up, bro! Spinning Bird Kick!!!
The fact is… I used to love Street fighter 2 on my Atari st, super nintendo, mega drive etc… that was great!
But it never really evolved after that… I mean spamming a fireball to keep the opponent away, I don’t call that a fighting game…
The gameplay and the movelist is poor. Check out Tekken by exemple ( I’m a huge fan since the start I have them all) I know it’s different and all that but, each character got 120/150 moves against 3 or 4 special attacks by character in Street Fighter. And I don’t even talk about the balance of the game, I had street fighter 4, and all you can see online is Ryu and Sagat…
My poor Chun-Li don’t match against them… because doing a charge then forward punch is harder to put in a combo, than a quarter circle… Ah Sorry -_-
Well, I like Street Fighter: I even have the very first game that nobody knows (I think) on Atari-ST…
BUT I also have to admit that I REALLY agree with you, bro: too many versions, cross over, spin-off, contaminations, special editions and so on…
You know what? I don’t even bought Street Fighter IV, because I’m starting to be tired of it.
On the other hand, we cannot blame Capcom: Street Fighter is a historic series which gained a worldwide success, so it is obvious that Capcom continues to exploit the brand.
However, considering the “remake trend” of the latest years, someone could even decide to make one for this game, sooner or later… who knows?
Man… It looks like Capcom don’t give a f…
I don’t think they realise that there are fans of this game too, and not only street fighter. I mean, instead of doing a thousand of version ” super hyper street fighter double x plus alpha deluxe remixed christmas edition” It’s a damn shame…
Yeah I know I hate street fighter ( and maybe because of that) sorry…
LOL! Yeah, they’re two mountains…!
Indeed, Roy is really cool (you know, the classic “blond and strong prince” that everyone would like to be and that all girls would like to have… :D)
Well, I cannot blame you: every character is very good and well made, so it’s quite difficult to make a rational choice.
Daigo/Akira, huh?
Yeah, too cool when Daigo acts to protect Akira: the opponent hits him repeatedly, but he remains still as a statue without batting an eyelid and then shoots a lethal uppercut that makes the opponent fly away…!
Aaah…! I’m still hoping for a remake of this game, or maybe a brand new one
Ah man it’s a hard choice cause I love all characters, except for Gan and Raizo (they’re taking the all screen xD)
I play them all, but if I have to choose one it will be Roy, he was already my favorate one in my childhood.
But I also love to play with this pairings:
Natsu ( I love her, as you can notice in my DeviantArt gallery) / Roberto
Kyosuke (I love his style, he’s the cool guy) / Batsu
Roy/Amy ( I love her movelist)
You see it’s like I love them all, it’s hard to choose.
Don’t worry the musics are all the same, and yeah the opening is amazing. Like the 2 different endings!
Oh, I almost forgot, Shadow: try to hit the ball as near as possible, when you see its shadow on the base.
Good! I always thought to be the only one, so I’m really glad to hear that. At least, with T-Cal now we’re three, here.
Hey, and what about the music???
Uh, wait, I don’t know which version of the game you have, guys… I mean, JAP-USA-PAL
I have the japanese version because, you know… in the “PS1 era” every japanese game always took ages to be released in other countries, especially europe: not to mention the country where I live (Italy) which is always the last wheel of the carriage for everything…
So, I always bought japanese games: first for the reason I just mentioned and second because usually japanese versions had something more.
However, I was talking about music, right?
Well, maybe the in-game songs are the same (very beautiful), but most likely the opening theme is different. The japanese one is fantastic!
Thank you, but no sorry i don’t think… Street fighter isn’t really my thing :-/
Great work as always! Do you think you’ll be doing any street fighter ex plus alpha themes?
Thanks for the tip i’ll try!!!
The thing with roberto is to hit 4 targets at the time, you’ll also get more points if you it the posts and if you’re adding effects ( press left,, right, up or down after kicking the ball.
Thanks T-cal, but you know guys, there’s lot of fans of this game, especially on Deviant Art. (I’m a member of the RS-fan Club :p )
Cool theme, I try to avoid messaging with this theme, lol.
Read the comments between you & OPTIMUS. Im a rival school fan, too. Im still hoping for a PS1 Classic release or a remake. For some reason, I still prefer the Alpha & Vs series. Cant wait for MVC3!!!
Yep, I totally agree! Characters are very cool (although they are an abused stereotype)
The SF EX series was not so bad, anyway…
Yeah, 727m! The secret is to tap right twice, then only once up on the d-pad rapidly as soon as you hear the whistle. But I’m still trying other positions, so who knows…?
WOW! 6500 in Roberto’s game?!? I never been able to go over 3000 (maybe because I don’t like football… :P)
But I reached 22200 in Natsu’s game…
I’m really glad to know there’s at least another fan of this game: I think you’re the only one I met who knows and likes Rival Schools!
Oh I’m so glad that somebody feels the same way!
Yeah that’s so fun, and the gameplay was, and still is very good. So much better then all the street fighters at the same period ( -_- the unplayable street fighter ex plus a ).
And every character looks cool, with a lot of charisma.
OMG 727 O_o I only have 687 even if I never really try to break my record.
But I have 6500 in Roberto’s target mode.
And 21 600 in Natsu’s service mode! :p
Damn if I am!
I think it’s been the most original fighting game of that period.
As I said, I still play it: believe it or not, just the last week I beat my own record made years ago in the baseball mini game… now, I’ve reached 727 meters always doing home run!
Really you’re a Rival Schools fan too?
That’s my favorate fighting game of all times! And I’ve played a lot. I still have it and play it every day.
Well, I don’t really understand what’s so complicated: it has the same functions as every other program, but it allows to do better. Just a little bit practice is needed when starting.
I don’t have much time too, but I use it anyway: once you learned its functions, then it’s like riding a bike…
Maybe, if you tell me what is the difficulty with that program, I could help.
OOH MAN! That Rival Schools stuff drives me crazy: I played those games till death!!!
(well, actually I still play them… :P)
I really tried, gimp and real world paint … It’s just too complicated for me. I use photfiltre since many years, I know it ain’t perfect but it is simple. Plus I can’t really spend much time making themes, i’m not only a theme “artist” ^^ if somebody is interested there’s my deviant art page: http://shadowskilz.deviantart.com/ check my gallery! :-p
Don’t you tried my program yet, right?
I think you should (or at least Gimp, or something else)…
No offense, bro, but… you know, it’s really sad to see a SO TALENTED work slightly marred by unrefined icons… Reeeaaally sad
I perfectly know it’s not your fault because the program is what it is, that’s why I think you should absolutely try some other program: think what beautiful icons you could make without worrying about those damn transparencies…
Oh $h!t I’m caught in the deli >.< yeah photofiltre
My man Optimus thanks! I hope you tried it i’m proud of the sounds! ( but might be annoing if you write a message xD )
Yep, I’ve tried sounds and I really like them!
Oh well, don’t worry about messages sounds: I’ve never had my PS3 connected, so I don’t really have that problem…
Hey, I recognize those little circles inside the vertical bar: oh, how many times I used them…!
Best character! Great theme.
Amazing! Looove it. 5/5.
Buuut…I’d like to see some new stuff! Like that isn’t blazblue. Cause I mean…Not that many people play Blazblue. Thats kinda why I don’t make my themes about any specific thing, so anyone can use them.
But yeah, I just think you have some serious talent and I’d just love to see some different stuff.
This one looks awesome ^_^ im trying it tonite
My man Optimus thanks! I hope you tried it i’m proud of the sounds! ( but might be annoing if you write a message xD )
Well you are really lucky, and I hope you know it. The game became really rare (especially in pal) just like Tombi, if you can find it, you gotta pay the price!!!
Don’t mention it! I like your works!
Yep, Kaze No Kuronoa! I still have the original on my PS1.
I really love that game: it’s so… magical and dreamy that I’d be a fool if I had not it…
That’s another game of which I’d really like to see a remake.
Oh man thanks thanks a lot!!!
Well Klonoa me and my girlfriend, we love him. But It’s just like many games, like Spyro, Croc, Crash… The first one, the original, will always be the best!!!
So, there’s no problem: I can safely wait…
And don’t worry, my dear friend “otaku since 1986” (damn if I like it! :D): I already downloaded some stuff like Klonoa (I love that game!) or Tiffany (YUM! YUM! :P)…
Ok thanks.
Upload it now instead of us publishing your first submission and then updating it. Less work.
You’re gonna have to download it on deviant art anyway, cause i just noticed that I made a mistake using the hinata icons two times…
I’m gonna have to update the theme as soon as it’s here.
But it’s already done on deviant art so… Please go and get it >.<
I'll search for that game.
Baaah! Damn Windows 7!!!
What a pity…
That game’s really good…
Well, I still have my PS1 perfectly working, so I can play it.
Mmm… let me see… Yes, you could try search it on “emuasylum.com”: they have a lot of stuff.
However, as I told you before, the SNES version is just a horizontal scrolling fighting game and the N64 version is a normal fighting game but with super deformed characters: the PS1 version is the best (IMHO) so try search on the site I just mentioned…
(BTW: the game is also known as Flying Dragon, but I think the only version for PS1 is the japanese one – i.e. Virtual Hiryu No Ken)
As for your theme: too easy… I prefer to “taste” the waiting
I’ve just posted the theme, you can wait OR you can download it on my deviant page
There’s no way to find this game on emulator. Not for the PS1 I mean. I think I’ve seen it on snes but I can’t get the snes emulator working on my windows 7…
You’ve read my mind!!!
Just the other day I was thinking to ask you to make another one… You know, I still have the Rival Schools theme you uploaded months ago: the backgrounds are wonderful, but I have to say that those icons don’t match at all with the rest of the theme (also considering they were made by F-Rott for the Socom theme…)
Gooooood! I’ll wait for it!
Hey, have you found Virtual Hiryu No Ken…?
Oh by the way man… I almost finished a Rival Schools theme (better than the other one)…
The backgrounds will be those loading screens you can see. With sounds from the game
I can’ t wait to finish this…
Well, you have to place Shoma as I told you, but… maybe I forgot to say that you also need to tap on the d-pad very rapidly so that he moves only few millimeters, still remaining in the center. Then, be absolutely sure to hit the ball as soon as you see its shadow on the base and not when it’s passing on it.
It’s just a matter of timing and, as I said, you can still find new positions (but they must always be as close as possible to the center, otherwise the ball will never go over 100m…)
Come on, I know you can do it!
Virtual Hiryu No Ken was a horizontal scrolling fighting game (if I remember correctly) for SNES, then it became a fighting game with super deformed style characters on N64… then it was finally ported on PS1 (which is the version I’m talking about)
Apparently, it seemed a standard fighting game, but it had a fundamental peculiarity: the only way to win a match was to discover the weak point of every opponent. This made each fight very technical because it was necessary to use different strategies for every opponent.
In addition, it was a quite hard game because the AI of the opponents was well developed so that they also were able to find and attack your weak point: useless to say how exciting every match was…!
I really liked that game.
oh yeah btw great theme
there are 2 games for the sf tekken crossover being made sf x tekken and tekken x sf so if your a tekken fan get the 2nd version that way you can sidestep the bs fireballs lol
I tried what you said, and I only do 95 or 98 throws
Must be because of the pal version, but the start button tip works, it cuts the music.
Never heard about the game but when I’ve checked some videos it reminds me something, especially the characters, i’ll try to find it and play it on an emulator.
LOL!!! Yeah, bro, that’s for sure! Especially because I was a race car driver and I’m a great racing games fan, so… I play much better with those games rather than the fighting ones (that I really like, anyway…)
And tell me… have you ever played VIRTUAL HIRYU NO KEN?
Man thanks for all the details… I’ll try as soon as possible then keep you in touch.
The only problem with rival schools is that you can’t play online
I’d love to kick your a$$ lmao.
Sorry, no visual effect: the only things on which you can rely are your eyes and your ears…
But listen: although it doesn’t seem, the game considers several parameters.
They are: player’s position, ball speed, angle/rotation of the baseball bat, point of impact and force of impact.
Unfortunately, the only directly controllable parameter is the position, while the others are almost completely indipendent.
BUUUT… I said “almost”, and now I explain you why.
Excluding the ball speed which is totally indipendent, the other parameters can be indirectly affected by the player’s position (that’s why it’s so important) which can alter direction and height of the ball, also according to the timing with which it is struck.
I suppose you’ve certainly noticed how the ball may go right, left, middle and even very high or very low: that’s because those parameters are in some way related to the player’s position and also the timing with which he strikes the ball.
Ok… Although it may seem a paradox, to gain a high number of meters, the goal is to make the ball travels the shortest possible distance between the player and the back wall of the stadium.
In other words, you need to hit the ball so that it goes toward the score display positioned in the center: to do so, you have to place Shoma as I told you (2 little taps right, 1 little tap up on the d-pad) and you need to strike the ball just when you see its shadow passing on the base.
Then, everything’s up to you, in the meaning that you can still find new positions (but remember that the timing must always be perfect, though…)
Well, I spent years studying these parameters and how they were related to the player’s actions, but believe me when I say that sometimes it’s difficult (especially when the ball comes over you at 140Km/h like a missile) but NOT IMPOSSIBLE…
Oh man 151 O_o I’ll try that and tell you soon. Is there a visual effect too when you’re doing such a good throw? You know…Like the wave its doing during his burning vigor attack?
Well… usually, I don’t like “mixtures” between two different kinds of fighting game, but I also have to admit that it seems to me a quite interesting experiment (maybe just because I’m really curious to see how the hell they will manage to adapt so different fighting styles… :P)
Then, who knows…?
Oh man, you will hate me for this
but… my best throw has been 151m: when you hit the ball very good, you can clearly hear the different noise made by the baseball bat.
A little cheat (but I don’t know if it works with the pal version). Try to do a short throw and when the ball hits the ground, press start immediately: this way, the game won’t pause, but the volume will remain low as if the game was paused so that you can hear the sound of the baseball bat more clearly.
Ah man don’t tell me… But to me it’s a bad idea, that’s too much different games, two different gameplays they can’t mix together… But we both now that, it’s just gonna be some tekken character’s skins in a street fighter, that’s all.
That’s something I don’t wanna hear about. If Namco is gonna be Capcom’s b!tch I don’t mind but I’ll never play that game…
Anyway I wanted to ask you, what is the best throw you can perform in Shoma’s game? 140m?
EUREKA! Finally someone who knows it!
Hahaha! Yeah, the red-haired Ryu was really ugly!
Well, actually the whole game was really ugly:
the only selectable character was Ryu and the game had no end, because it made you fight endlessly always against the same (and very few) opponents… But hey, what times!
The only real evolution/revolution has been switching from the first Street Fighter to the second…
As for Tekken… well, I like the characters and the game itself, but… I don’t know… maybe I was expecting something really innovative, and the story (as you said) is boring by now.
In other words, the game gave me the strong impression that Namco had run out of ideas.
I think that’s why they decided to make Tekken X Street Fighter…
But yeah I do remember the first one! with red-haired Ryu lmao
the bonus stages were so cool!
So you’re a tekken fan too? :p What’s wrong with tekken 6? I love it, I’ve heard a lot of people complaining about the way it turned but I think it’s gettin more and more fun. I love the new characters, Lily, Alisa…
The only thing I must say is that, the story is always and only about the mishima family, and it’s annoing and boring as hell… Heihachi was the boss, then it was Kazuya but now Jin so they’re tryin to get the power back… Blablablah Booooooooring
No, no… actually I was talking about STREET FIGHTER 1, not the 2nd… it’s really rare. Everybody knows the Street Fighter series only from the second game: maybe nobody ever saw the first game for real.
Anyway, you’re perfectly right: Street Fighter has never evolved. I think that’s because it was born in the “old school days” and over time has continued to follow that philosophy, also keeping up its bidimentional identity.
Instead, Tekken (which I’m a great fan, too) was born in the 3D era, and the advent of the 3rd dimension has ensured it was already designed with a deep and rewarding gameplay from the beginning: this way, it has been able to evolve itself as we well know.
(But I have to say that the last Tekken didn’t convince me at all: its “evolution” has stopped, I’m afraid…)
And yeah, you’re right again: I don’t play online, but I remember the good old days spent in the arcade or at home with friends… everybody has always preferred characters like Ryu, Ken and similar because easier to use than others requiring more technical level like Chun-Li, for example (which I also preferred many times)…
Hey, cheer up, bro! Spinning Bird Kick!!!
The fact is… I used to love Street fighter 2 on my Atari st, super nintendo, mega drive etc… that was great!
But it never really evolved after that… I mean spamming a fireball to keep the opponent away, I don’t call that a fighting game…
The gameplay and the movelist is poor. Check out Tekken by exemple ( I’m a huge fan since the start I have them all) I know it’s different and all that but, each character got 120/150 moves against 3 or 4 special attacks by character in Street Fighter. And I don’t even talk about the balance of the game, I had street fighter 4, and all you can see online is Ryu and Sagat…
My poor Chun-Li don’t match against them… because doing a charge then forward punch is harder to put in a combo, than a quarter circle… Ah Sorry -_-
Well, I like Street Fighter: I even have the very first game that nobody knows (I think) on Atari-ST…
BUT I also have to admit that I REALLY agree with you, bro: too many versions, cross over, spin-off, contaminations, special editions and so on…
You know what? I don’t even bought Street Fighter IV, because I’m starting to be tired of it.
On the other hand, we cannot blame Capcom: Street Fighter is a historic series which gained a worldwide success, so it is obvious that Capcom continues to exploit the brand.
However, considering the “remake trend” of the latest years, someone could even decide to make one for this game, sooner or later… who knows?
Man… It looks like Capcom don’t give a f…
I don’t think they realise that there are fans of this game too, and not only street fighter. I mean, instead of doing a thousand of version ” super hyper street fighter double x plus alpha deluxe remixed christmas edition” It’s a damn shame…
Yeah I know I hate street fighter ( and maybe because of that) sorry…
LOL! Yeah, they’re two mountains…!
Indeed, Roy is really cool (you know, the classic “blond and strong prince” that everyone would like to be and that all girls would like to have… :D)
Well, I cannot blame you: every character is very good and well made, so it’s quite difficult to make a rational choice.
Daigo/Akira, huh?
Yeah, too cool when Daigo acts to protect Akira: the opponent hits him repeatedly, but he remains still as a statue without batting an eyelid and then shoots a lethal uppercut that makes the opponent fly away…!
Aaah…! I’m still hoping for a remake of this game, or maybe a brand new one
Ah man it’s a hard choice cause I love all characters, except for Gan and Raizo (they’re taking the all screen xD)
I play them all, but if I have to choose one it will be Roy, he was already my favorate one in my childhood.
But I also love to play with this pairings:
Natsu ( I love her, as you can notice in my DeviantArt gallery) / Roberto
Kyosuke (I love his style, he’s the cool guy) / Batsu
Roy/Amy ( I love her movelist)
You see it’s like I love them all, it’s hard to choose.
Yeah, right! I have them in japanese version:
-Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Legion of Heroes
-Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki 2
You know, we understand each other perfectly: I also cherish all my games as if they were… RELICS

Damn the one who dares to touch them!
And tell me, Shadow, who’s your favourite character?
My favourites are
TAIYO HS: Hinata and Ran
GORIN HS: Shoma, Natsu and Nagare (very funny his “dancing special move”…)
Yeah I know what you’re talkin’ about, I have the pal version: http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/2922/bild070516164.jpg still brand new!
What you have is maybe Shiritsu Justice Gakuen 2. It’s like an add-on that came out one year after the original Rival Schools, but only in Japan: http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/6011/sanstitre1iet.jpg
Don’t worry the musics are all the same, and yeah the opening is amazing. Like the 2 different endings!
Oh, I almost forgot, Shadow: try to hit the ball as near as possible, when you see its shadow on the base.
Good! I always thought to be the only one, so I’m really glad to hear that. At least, with T-Cal now we’re three, here.
Hey, and what about the music???
Uh, wait, I don’t know which version of the game you have, guys… I mean, JAP-USA-PAL
I have the japanese version because, you know… in the “PS1 era” every japanese game always took ages to be released in other countries, especially europe: not to mention the country where I live (Italy) which is always the last wheel of the carriage for everything…
So, I always bought japanese games: first for the reason I just mentioned and second because usually japanese versions had something more.
However, I was talking about music, right?
Well, maybe the in-game songs are the same (very beautiful), but most likely the opening theme is different. The japanese one is fantastic!
Thank you, but no sorry i don’t think… Street fighter isn’t really my thing :-/
Great work as always! Do you think you’ll be doing any street fighter ex plus alpha themes?
Thanks for the tip i’ll try!!!
The thing with roberto is to hit 4 targets at the time, you’ll also get more points if you it the posts and if you’re adding effects ( press left,, right, up or down after kicking the ball.
Thanks T-cal, but you know guys, there’s lot of fans of this game, especially on Deviant Art. (I’m a member of the RS-fan Club :p )
Cool theme, I try to avoid messaging with this theme, lol.
Read the comments between you & OPTIMUS. Im a rival school fan, too. Im still hoping for a PS1 Classic release or a remake. For some reason, I still prefer the Alpha & Vs series. Cant wait for MVC3!!!
Yep, I totally agree! Characters are very cool (although they are an abused stereotype)
The SF EX series was not so bad, anyway…
Yeah, 727m! The secret is to tap right twice, then only once up on the d-pad rapidly as soon as you hear the whistle. But I’m still trying other positions, so who knows…?
WOW! 6500 in Roberto’s game?!? I never been able to go over 3000 (maybe because I don’t like football… :P)
But I reached 22200 in Natsu’s game…
I’m really glad to know there’s at least another fan of this game: I think you’re the only one I met who knows and likes Rival Schools!
Oh I’m so glad that somebody feels the same way!
Yeah that’s so fun, and the gameplay was, and still is very good. So much better then all the street fighters at the same period ( -_- the unplayable street fighter ex plus a ).
And every character looks cool, with a lot of charisma.
OMG 727 O_o I only have 687 even if I never really try to break my record.
But I have 6500 in Roberto’s target mode.
And 21 600 in Natsu’s service mode! :p
Damn if I am!
I think it’s been the most original fighting game of that period.
As I said, I still play it: believe it or not, just the last week I beat my own record made years ago in the baseball mini game… now, I’ve reached 727 meters always doing home run!
Really you’re a Rival Schools fan too?
That’s my favorate fighting game of all times! And I’ve played a lot. I still have it and play it every day.
Well, I don’t really understand what’s so complicated: it has the same functions as every other program, but it allows to do better. Just a little bit practice is needed when starting.
I don’t have much time too, but I use it anyway: once you learned its functions, then it’s like riding a bike…
Maybe, if you tell me what is the difficulty with that program, I could help.
OOH MAN! That Rival Schools stuff drives me crazy: I played those games till death!!!
(well, actually I still play them… :P)
I really tried, gimp and real world paint … It’s just too complicated for me. I use photfiltre since many years, I know it ain’t perfect but it is simple. Plus I can’t really spend much time making themes, i’m not only a theme “artist” ^^ if somebody is interested there’s my deviant art page: http://shadowskilz.deviantart.com/ check my gallery! :-p
Don’t you tried my program yet, right?
I think you should (or at least Gimp, or something else)…
No offense, bro, but… you know, it’s really sad to see a SO TALENTED work slightly marred by unrefined icons… Reeeaaally sad
I perfectly know it’s not your fault because the program is what it is, that’s why I think you should absolutely try some other program: think what beautiful icons you could make without worrying about those damn transparencies…
Oh $h!t I’m caught in the deli >.< yeah photofiltre
Yep, I’ve tried sounds and I really like them!
Oh well, don’t worry about messages sounds: I’ve never had my PS3 connected, so I don’t really have that problem…
Hey, I recognize those little circles inside the vertical bar: oh, how many times I used them…!
Best character! Great theme.
Amazing! Looove it. 5/5.
Buuut…I’d like to see some new stuff! Like that isn’t blazblue. Cause I mean…Not that many people play Blazblue. Thats kinda why I don’t make my themes about any specific thing, so anyone can use them.
But yeah, I just think you have some serious talent and I’d just love to see some different stuff.
This one looks awesome ^_^ im trying it tonite
My man Optimus thanks! I hope you tried it i’m proud of the sounds! ( but might be annoing if you write a message xD )
…and again: VERY GOOD WORK, Shadow!