Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c
*Skull has a smokey/ghostly effect.
*Scarf is waving.
*Embers and debris.
*Soldier moving up & down because he’s breathing, or he’s on the water, or whatever. I just didn’t want him to be still
His face and hat are 3 pieces. Very subtle movement.
Icons made to resemble the skull’s texture.
2 custom sounds:
> optionmenu (sniper rifle shot)
> system_ok (gun cocked).
*Added “The Ghosts Are Real” carved in the wall behind the soldier.
*Home row icons received a touch up.
*A bit more movement in the hat (just a bit).
*Other minor changes to the background and message bubble.
Shout out to THE_P12EDATOR for the smokey/ghostly skull and soldier movement ideas
Download Here
+1000 wow. A LOT of people like CoD Ghosts
Thanks to everyone enjoying this theme.
My next dynamic theme will be Okami (a personal favorite). She’s a wolf
FFX is a good idea too (another favorite minus the lightning dodging). I’ll say maybe.
can you do a FFX or a wolf theme later on? i love this theme & i wanna see what you could do W/ those
What is it wit google+ and COD Ghosts? Both get A LOT of hate..
Can you post a link when he is not moving?
Everybody is unless they’re playing BF4 or GTA5 because Ghosts is so bad.
For everyone still playing Black Ops 2
CoD: Black Ops II Dynamic Theme
@Hasanj220022 > It’s possible. I don’t usually do requests, but I’ll keep it in mind. I like the idea
But you can do that, right?
@Hasanj220022 > Thanks for checking out the themes. I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to do that theme soon. I have a couple of themes left to finish.
Could you give a date. Pllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz do make it as soon as possible I at the same time want to give my little brother a surprise before 22nd November.
Minecraft pro slideshow, your son’s theme is also nice. just downloaded it.
by the way, what is your psn id?
uLtRaMa6nEt1c Man cool theme. Love it…+1. I have a request……Could you make a MGS V Slideshow theme.You know one changing wallpapers. A dynamic theme would be great too.I would be really grateful. The thing is I am a great MGS fan. I’d Love a MGS V theme. Both your themes are awesome. This one and the black ops one.Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz do make it. you are a pro thats why.
Check out my CoD: Black Ops II Dynamic Theme too.
thanks pro
Also the scarf is another layer. I had to run that through a program called DP Animation Maker. Then extract the 32 frames from the resulting video and cut the scarf out of each frame in Photoshop. Then I import that into Flash also.
I prepare everything in Photoshop. The soldier is 4 layers, the skull is 4 layers, the debris is 2 layers, the background wall is 3 layers. I import it into Adobe Flash to create a 32 frame animation. The smokey part of the skull I did in Flash. Then I had to separate it from the background in Photoshop and touch up about 10 of the 32 pics to create a seamless loop and put it back into Flash. A real pain the ass. Then I compiled it using the Animated Full script. The icons I do all type of stuff to in Photoshop. I work on each one individually, so each one is unique. I get different brushes, patterns, and other Photoshop resources from DeviantART.
It’s definitely not easy if your a novice in Photoshop, and Flash can be a b*tch sometimes. There are tons of Photoshop tutorials that have helped me along the way.
can you please tell me how did you do this background or make a vedio ,please I want to be pro like you, thank you
Beutiful just outstanding work
Thanks everyone
Check out my CoD: Black Ops II Dynamic Theme too.
One of the best themes EVER!
Thanks robert10947 and SpankZor
Yes, DemiGod7’s avatar is Alex Kidd from SEGA.
It’s a awesome theme, deff my favo theme!
@DemiGod7 Is that Alex the kid or something from sega?!
this is very cool man
@Jaydee1003 > Dope!
Aaaw, CoD ain’t hat bad
The Batman and San Andreas themes are Ultra Slideshows like my GTA5 theme.
dude… i absolutely hate call of duty but this theme is just fkn awesome! +1 keep up the great work.. cant wait to see GTA san andreas AND batman arkham origins!
btw i just got photoshop lol ive been really busy lately im gonna start editing and adding final touches to the icons and ill send them to you as soon as im done hopefully by the end of the week or this weekend.
just wondered if one of you great theme artists could make me a nufc/newcastle untied fc dynamic theme plz as i cant find one any where thanx
great theme
Great theme Great idea +1
Wow… awesome Theme… Nice Job
you better take request lol jk dude i understand if you can’t
Thanks to everyone for checking out the theme
@ThugKnight & Serina Harper > I usually don’t take requests, but if something is suggested to me that I have interest in I consider it. That being the case, I’m finishing up 2 requests (Batman: Arkham Origins & GTA San Andreas).
I’m doing a Futurama dynamic theme with Jaydee1003 and 2 MotU dynamic themes with OPTIMUS at the same time.
My theme hands are pretty full at the moment
hey Ultra i hope you saw my request about Sleepy Hollow theme based on the Fox tv show of the novel but different
Hey Ultra I was wondering if you can ever do a Dynamic Ghostbusters theme that would be awesome if you could. I’m talking about something out of the movies and not out of the cartoon shows.
this is a nice theme, not a fan of the icons though.
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Not a fan of these games, but… surely a fan of this theme, lol!
Great job, as always, guys (father & son)! +1!
Thanks everyone
@DemiGod7 & TheLoneWolf989 > I prefer CoD because I like the fast paced run & gun action. I’m not getting Ghosts though. I just bought the last DLC for Black Ops 2. My son goes HAM on Zombies, so that should hold us over for another year.
@TheLoneWolf989 > I know what you mean about the “squeakers”. I constantly have to tell my boy to shut up when he’s playing
Awsome!I really love it!Upvoted!!!
nice wrok ..
I know what you mean, if you want a fast paced bloodbath then go for CoD but if you want teamwork and realism go for BF. CoD is always the same though and there is way too many squeakers.
Thanks uLtRaMa6nEt1c this theme is very,very cool.
@TheLoneWolf I have been on both sides of this story, they both have goods and bads….but this is not the place to discuss. Trust me, in my eyes BF is no better than Cod.
Nice theme +1
In Battlefield, skyscraper collapsing, massive ground, sea, air battles during raging storms. Over in Call of Duty, fish swimming away from you, good job Mario.
Same here, not a Fan of the Game but from the great Work from uLtRaMa6nEt1c!
Quality work as always, as expected from Ultra. Am I a fan of the game? No. Am I a fan of this theme? Hell yeah.