Castle Crashers Dynamic Theme 1.2

Theme by Nightgrowler

Now it includes four knights.
Special thanks to uLtRaMa6nEt1c
Download Here

15 thoughts on “Castle Crashers Dynamic Theme 1.2

  1. F-Rott:

    I like this one. My current PS3′s theme. Takes turn with my soon-to-be-posted (hopefully) Machine Head theme.

    Can’t wait for that as I headbang a lot with MH 😀

  2. Nightgrowler:

    heh, Thank You))
    CNyceNC, I don’t want to draw shuffle animation, sorry) I’ve just updated this theme, now it includes four rocking knights. Theme is awating of moderation confirm but You can find it by the link

    No worries. I completely understand. Very satisfied with this new theme as is. Thank you!

  3. heh, Thank You))
    CNyceNC, I don’t want to draw shuffle animation, sorry) I’ve just updated this theme, now it includes four rocking knights. Theme is awating of moderation confirm but You can find it by the link

  4. Absolutely LOVING the theme. Just one question… Is there anyway you can do this theme again but with the (Red Knight, I believe) doing the little shuffle dance in place?

  5. That is Bad ass , smooth animation and icons too.
    Developers being put to shame right here

  6. I’m still playing Castle Crashers but there is one thing: I’m on CFW =(
    And maybe I will make some other PS3 dynamic themes with Castle Crashers Characters, but not now 🙂
    And Thank You 🙂

  7. do you play / still play castle crashers?
    if you do what’s your psn .. it would be fun to crash some castle.
    oh & the theam is kool but can you make one with the cone head with full moon as the background

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