Theme by OPTIMUS
Ok, Rik & Frkgamer86, here is the theme you requested.
I’d wanted to do much more, but… as I said, I’m having very little time (because of the problems you already know) so I couldn’t do better (I think I even broke all records making this theme in just 2 weeks :P) but I’ve made it just for you, guys!
I’d wanted to do much more, but… as I said, I’m having very little time (because of the problems you already know) so I couldn’t do better (I think I even broke all records making this theme in just 2 weeks :P) but I’ve made it just for you, guys!
I’ve not found many pics, but I managed to put together a couple of artworks, some in-game images, a wallpaper etc…
So, this theme contains:
-6 HD/SD backgrounds (in which I added a gothic style frame)
-hand made icons (gothic style for home row icons and simple shaped sub-icons made of dark blood)
-absolutely no boring sounds
Well, probably this will be my last theme, so I hope you like it.
Download Here
Is it possible to get a Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 theme?
Thanks, my friend!
You know, from the day my problems started, it seems that everything’s going down the drain: even my computer is working damn bad these days…
So, I really appreciate!
i will definitely be here. it’s only a matter of time before i’m theming again. and good luck, i won’t say goodbye, i know you will be back here someday.
OH MY GOD! Yogosan! Is it really you, or am I just dreaming?!?
Oh man, I really thought you were lost during the October Fest…!
Ok… so, you had problems waiting for the shipping of your laptop and your internet connection is terrible, but… why didn’t you try to log in with your PS3 anyway?
Oh well, it doesn’t matter: you’re here now.
Well, as you probably read somewhere, I’m in big troubles because I had the eviction and I’ve been fired due to economic crisis. So, I’m searching for a new home and a new job, and I’ll have to quit the theming scene…
I’ve already packed up almost all my things, but I’m leaving my computer to last so that I can come here until the end.
I don’t know how much longer I’ll manage to come here, but one thing is for sure… when the time will come, I sincerely hope (and I absolutely want) to find you here, so that I can say goodbye to all friends and especially to you, Yogosan: the first I met from the early days I joined this site.
oh damn, i hope you can make it back soon OPTIMUS, i will never be gone. i just need a laptop. my internet connection is terrible which is why i havnt been online. the update takes days to download so i just dont bother.
Thanks a lot, Biison: I really appreciate!
Awesome theme!…….and All the best to you.
Well… I know he often had “on/off stages” (as he used to call them) so I always encouraged him to go ahead, but this time I don’t really know what happened…
well yogosan is on my psn friends list but hasn’t been active for over a month. wonder what happened to him?
No problem, bro: I never really worried about ratings, because I think that comments (positive or negative) are more important.
Thanks a lot, Clxmj!
Dont really reply too much on here seen as i just tend to grab the themes and go (yeah my bad, i should rate i know ^_^) But best wishes for the future OPTIMUS, cant imagine having to worry about getting a new job, let alone a new house 8(
Take it easy buddy, we all bounce back as will you \m/
Thank you very much, Dahl: I hope too!
Goodbye my friend, hope to see you again…
Thanks a lot, Adyp!
Well, I think I’ll keep to come here (at least to comment) until also my computer has been packed up.
Then, I’ll have to go away for real…
Optimus, so, so sorry to hear of your problems mate. keep your spirits up and do what you have to do to survive my freind, we will be thinking of you.
I hope one day you will return……………….!
Bets of luck mate!
Thanks a lot from the deep of my heart! I will miss you all, friends!
And I’d like to ask you a favour, guys: since I don’t really know where the hell Yogosan is (it looks like he’s vanished for real, this time :P) please, guys, can you say goodbye to him for me???
Nice Theme OPTIMUS. I hope everything works out great for you in as small amount of time as possible so you can come back and make some more awesome themes!
well i wish you lot’s of luck optimus in your personal struggles.
do what you gotta do, but you will be missed
peace out
@FROSTVOID: Thanks, bro! Well, I was already thinking about make a theme for this game, then Rik & Frkgamer made their request and… here it is!
@RIK: Thank you very much! I’m really glad you appreciate!
@ADYP: Really thanks, man!
(Wow, you got a lot of work, huh?)
As for F1 2010… I’m really disappointed!
Graphically is good, no doubt, but it’s not the “great F1 return” I was expecting. There’s a lot of missing stuff:
-where’s the warm up lap?
-where’s the podium’s awarding scene for the winners?
-where’s the tyres consumption?
-where’s the slipstream effect? (And I could go on and on)
Also, I never seen a game so full of bugs and problems like this:
-there’s a bug which makes your tyres explode when you change them before exiting the box.
-when you do a pit stop to change tyres, mechanics make you wait until all other cars came out, even if you’ve finished before the others.
-the car’s behaviour is not so realistic (I’m even able to make the pole position under the rain using slick tyres without problems)
And there are many other things I could list, but what I really cannot stand is the bug which corrupts your save game data: I couldn’t finish not even a season because when I started to play again, the save game was corrupted. I’ve been forced to restart the career four times, but I always got the same problem!
Practically, I spent 70 euros to NOT play that game.
Codemasters says they’re working on a patch, and that’s the other thing I cannot stand: the damn patches! I don’t have the PS3 connected to download the patch, so what am I supposed to do???
About my themes… yep, most likely this will be my last one because, as I explained to the other friends, I’m in big troubles: in two months I had the eviction and I’ve been fired due to economic crisis, so I have to find a new home and a new job (and I already started to pack all my things)…
@FRKGAMER23: Thanks a lot, bro! (Yep, I made it in 2 weeks :D) I’ve not played the game yet (useless to say why… :P) but I’m sure it’s a great game! So, you had to chancge your account, but… well, you’re still FRKGAMER, right?
Yep, my last theme I think… but when all my problems will end, I’ll be back (maybe just to bore a little bit more all of you, guys… :P)
@LORD_KRILLIN: No, I have to thank you for appreciating my work!
@SHADOWSKILZ: Thanks, my “otaku”! Well, unfortunately everything’s true…
But I’ll be back as soon as possible: I PROMISE!
5 star my man, hope this ain’t true, you gotta keep it up, please…
wow nice job. thank you. i really hope this is not ur last theme and i hope u overcome ur problems whatever they r.
Damn OPTIMUS! Very nice and you did it in just 2 weeks?
Great theme for a great game, I almost have it finished I’m at chapter 9. If you’re wondering why the name says frkgamer23 now well my psn account was stolen so I made another one. This is my psn id as was my last one. When you said last theme do you mean for awhile until you get things sorted out?
Your last theme……………….!!!!!?????????????, please let this not be true ……………………
A stunning theme mate!…………………… of the best I’ve seen!
Sorry I haven’t been around much lately, but I have been snowed under with work, I have completed 12 web projects in the last few weeks and I have 3 more to finish, then I hope I can get back to the fun stuff and do a few themes.
The other reason for not being around much is F1 2010………
WOW is all I have to say about it, the graphical detail is just stunning!
10/5 mate
totally awesome theme optimus.
i’m gonna dl this through the ps3 browser as soon as i log in to psn
icons look fantastic.
your work is appreciated
no doubt 5 STARS!
Fantastic theme. I was wondering how come nobody made a CastlevaniaLOS theme? But here it is. It makes me wish I was playing it. I am trying to get it next month. I am financially crippled at the moment. I wish I can rate it but PS3 web browser SUCKS! xD