Castlevania Symphony of the Night

Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand

Castlevania Symphony of the Night Theme
4 Backgrounds
Custom Icons
5 Custom Sounds from the game

Updated the Backgrounds
Moved the info bar slightly down
Lowered the OK sound to sound more like Richter
Changed all of the Settings Icons and Default H/V Icons
Download Here

8 thoughts on “Castlevania Symphony of the Night

  1. @F-ROTT: Well, Dennis… I have to thank you for sharing these themes based on the great classics that have made the gaming history!

    Now… what’s next? 😀

  2. @F-ROTT: Great theme, my friend!
    As I told you the other day, I still have Symphony of the Night (and Akumajou Dracula/Castlevania Chronicles) on my PS1 and… in my opinion, SotN has been the best of that period.

    Yeah, a great theme for a great classic!
    Gave you a BIG Like! 😀

  3. Love this game, thanx for the Theme.
    -“You steal mens souls, and make them your slaves.”
    -“perhaps the same could be said of all religions”
    -“your words are as empty as your soul! Man kind ill needs a savior such as you”
    -“What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk… Have at you!”

  4. As always making PS3 themes for great hits games. Castlevania SOTN is for me the best game for this series. Thanks 🙂 +1

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