COD Elite “BLACK EDITION” Theme (DyNamic)

Theme by RoBeast

I know, yet another COD theme? I’ve been tinkering around with this one for weeks and I’ve finally finished so I had no choice but to upload. 🙂 The theme is 1280×720 and includes a custom background and animation. The background is based upon the original Elite logo but heavily modified. You will not find this wallpaper on the net. Icons are from nickthatch12 though the main icons are modified as well (green glow). Animations include a rocket circling the logo, a jitter effect, and an MW3 fade in/out text effect.
Download Here


15 thoughts on “COD Elite “BLACK EDITION” Theme (DyNamic)

  1. hey, thanks for acknowledging the fact that i made the icons you were using, i know some people who wouldnt bother themselves with doing that, lol.

  2. @Vai, sorry I tooks so long to reply. You can find the dynamic theme tutorial under forums. Look for Glowball’s tute.

  3. Been thinking about doing a request. I’ll keep you all in mind when I’m done with what themes I have planned.

  4. can you make too SEVILLA FC theme , club to the soccer spanish, pleaseee, your job is very good

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